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A Study On E-C Translation Strategies Of Complex Sentences In Marine English

Posted on:2017-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to the complexity of history, economy and society, the high-end shipbuilding industry of China is still lagging behind that of the developed countries. Ever since 21st century, the demand for information of relevant industries has been increasing, with progressive adjustments of Chinese marine policies and the advancement of ocean-related industries.China should thus learn from other industrial powers about the advanced experience and technologies of shipbuilding and ship design. Considering that ship design is the basis of shipbuilding, the domestic demand for English literatures of ship design has thereupon increased greatly, which has brought about great pressure on and challenge to the translation of Marine English into Chinese. Nevertheless, the characteristics of Marine English are always companioned with many conundrums during the translating process. Therefore,certain effective translation strategies of Marine English into Chinese are necessary. In this connection, this report analyzes the characteristics of complex sentences in Marine English,which are from the first chapter,second chapter,fifteenth chapter and sixteenth chapter of Principles of Yacht Design. To be specific, the characteristics mainly manifest themselves in terms of two aspects: First,several types of clauses may be employed simultaneously in one complex sentence; Second, the lengths of sentences can be as long as 25 words or more.Taking these characteristics into account, the report further discusses some issues concerning the translation of complex sentences in Marine English and actively seeks some solutions in the forms of certain translation strategies which includes omission, division, inversion and conversion of subordinate clauses. Besides, in order to help readers know this translating practice in detail and provide the other researchers some rewarding reference, the report also describes the whole process of the project, including the preparation before translating, the process of translating and the affairs after translating.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marine English, Principles of Yacht Design, complex sentences, E-C translation strategies
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