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On The Engineering Decision-making In Modern Rhetoric Horizon

Posted on:2018-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L FanFull Text:PDF
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In the 1990 s,on the philosophy of engineering was a boom in the western academic circles,at the same time,Chinese scholars also began to walk on the way to develop philosophy of engineering.Some of the major problems on philosophy of engineering got more systematically discuss,after professor bo-cong li "I creation,therefore I am" engineering philosophy proposition,and take the "realism" as the breakthrough point,.The existing research results of engineering decisions are mainly from philosophy of engineering and management.on the one hand,decision-making not covered by self consciousness,under the perspective of management.on the other hand,on the engineering decision-making mainly tend to realism,under the perspective of philosophy of engineering,not to specially explain for the rhetorical construction and made more such factors as the rhetorical communication in process of the decision-making.Based on the engineering decision-making activities as the object,shows that engineering decision-making activities in ontology sense has rhetorical,through reveals the omission of past decision theory and decision science method paradox.Generated for engineering decision-making object rhetoric analysis,decision makers of rhetorical analysis and decision-making in strategy use and gambling behavior of rhetorical analysis,shows that project decision-making has rhetorical factors in ontology sense not only,and in the construction of decision-making and decision-making activities embodies the methodology of rhetoric.In contemporary rhetoric presented with the trend of interdisciplinary research background,the research results in the existing engineering philosophy,inspired bythe rhetoric of science research to rhetoric nature of project decision-making and engineering decision-making activities of rhetorical methods,makes a preliminary inquiry in the project decision-making rhetoric study of brick of rhetorical question study jade for more projects.
Keywords/Search Tags:philosophy of engineering, Engineering decision, Rhetoric
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