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The Epistemology Study Of Engineering Decision Making

Posted on:2021-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R HuangFull Text:PDF
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Under the guidance of traditional epistemology,engineering is the application of science and technology,and engineering knowledge is the application of science and technology.In this way,engineering knowledge will not take engineering decision as its own knowledge content,and it is often understood that engineering decision is a problem of management and economy,rather than the production and operation of engineering knowledge.In reality,modern engineering construction is becoming more and more complex and larger in scale,and the operation of its artificial objects has brought long-term impacts on social economy,material culture,lifestyle and ecological environment.Once the wrong engineering decision is made,it is likely to bring about endless consequences,causing harm to society,nature and human beings.As a result,modern engineering decision-making is by no means a matter for decision makers to "clap their heads".As the saying goes,decision-making should be made scientific and democratic.The socalled democratization is to absorb the views of all sides and make decisions with comprehensive consideration.The demonstration of engineering decision is more complex and rigorous,and it is possible to approach scientific decision only through the operation of all kinds of knowledge.Engineering decision-making democratization,relating to the project stakeholders,and artificial objects may be project future operation of direct and indirect effects of public opinions and demands,such as after a debate,game,to persuade,negotiate,ultimately form engineering decision-making,game related basis often is based on the operation and demonstration of knowledge.Therefore,engineering decision knowledge is an indispensable and important part of engineering knowledge both in practice and in theory.Under the background of the rise of engineering knowledge research,this paper analyzes the construction and operation of engineering decision-making knowledge in the whole cycle of engineering practice from the perspective of ontology and practice.As the primary link of the system structure and the whole cycle process of engineering activity,engineering decision-making is the starting point of whether the project can be set up and whether the engineering practice can be continued.On the basis of critically drawing on and expanding the theory of artificial object of the Dutch school,through the intentionality analysis of the function and form of engineering artificial object,the specific goal of engineering decision-making can be achieved and made clear,so that the decision-making results can meet people's intentionality demand to the greatest extent.In essence,under the guidance of engineering decision knowledge,engineering decision is a complex social construction activity that integrates the function and form of artificial objects and conducts comprehensive integration from the value dimension and the fact dimension through the knowledge generation and operation of the function and form of artificial objects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Engineering decision-making, Function and form of artificial objects, Intentionality analysis, The theory of knowledge
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