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A Translation Project Report Of The Extracts From Elevator And Escalator Accident Reconstruction And Litigation(Third Edition)

Posted on:2018-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WuFull Text:PDF
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With the accelerated urbanization,China's elevator industry has developed rapidly in recent years.Although China holds the first in elevator annual production,ownership and annual growth,accidents related to elevators occur frequently,due to the lack of related standards and policies and their execution.Identification of the accidents responsibilities and the treatment of the accidents is not very scientific,due to the lack of relative laws and regulations on accident handling.By translating books and literatures on the elevator safety of western countries,we can learn more about elevator safety laws and regulations of those countries and their prevention and treatment methods of elevator related accidents,which is very useful for us to improve our laws,regulations and parameter standards,popularize knowledge of elevator safety,reduce elevator related accidents and promote the healthy development of the elevator industry.This is a translation project report on Elevator and Escalator Accident Reconstruction and Litigation(Third Edition),from which the author has chosen the third section Elevator Accidents and Their Causes of Chapter 4 Reasons for and Causes of Accidents,Improving Safety and Limiting Liability.This section describes reasons for and causes of the typical accidents involving different types of elevators,and provides approaches to prevent the hazard.The selected section is a technical text,and belongs to informative texts according to Peter Newmark.It is characterized by frequent use of elevator terminologies,long sentences,complex sentences and passive sentences.The text style is formal and objective.Due to its typical characteristics of technical texts,the translation is difficult.Dealing with this text,the author follows communicative translation theory which concentrates on the information and the feeling of readers,and uses different translation methods such as word formation,information supplements,reorganization of sentence structures,shifts of act voice and passive voice etc.according to different difficulties in translation to ensure the accurate information,formal and smooth expression of the translation.This translation project report consists of five parts: Part one is the introduction,including the project background,object and the significance of the translation practice.Part two introduces the original text and gives an analysis on its text type and characteristics.Part three describes the translating process,including preparation before translation,process of the translation project and review after translation.Part four is thecases analysis under communicative translation theory which is the most important part of the report,including the description of communicative translation theory and how the author deal with the difficult points during translating the text.Part five is the summary of the translation practice including the experience and the remaining problems and the way to improve translating skills.
Keywords/Search Tags:elevator accidents, informative text, communicative translation theory, translation methods
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