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The Research Of Braudel's Economic Interpretation Of History

Posted on:2018-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515968938Subject:Historical Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the representative figure of Annales School,Braudel enjoys a high reputation in historian circle.Except the iconic research labels of long-term and total history perspective attached to Braudel,we should pay more attention on the economic history research which is regarded as a significant link in his research field.It is quite important for us to understand the ins and outs of economic history perspective of Braudel,which will make a solid foundation for the further expansion of the research on his historical ideology.The Economic history perspective of Braudel is mainly classified into four aspects.They are material civilization,market economy,capitalism and economy of world.Meanwhile,from the view of his status as a historian,the economic history perspective that he built was an outcome of multiple history perspectives.The purely economic analysis is not comprehensive enough,and a historical view is necessary to analyze the economic history of Braudel.The whole thesis mainly consists of four parts.They are introduction,the origin of Braudel's economic interpretation of history,the construction of Braudel's theory of economic history and Braudel's economic historical perspective from multiple historical view.The introduction has made the background of the thesis which consists of the basis and questions of the selected topic,the literature summarize of related research and Annals School and the life of the Braudel.The first part mainly focuses on the external force and inherent theoretical basis of the formation Braudel's economic historical perspective.The external force has given a reason why he was so addicted into economic historical perspective and it consists of three aspects which is composed of the first generation influence of Annales School,the development of French historiography and the multiple dilemma of French society.However,the internal theoretical foundation is analyzed by two aspects which are based on Fran?ois Perroux's economic theory and Johann Heinrich von Thünen's agricultural location theory.The second part is the further step of analyzing the internal theory of Braudel's view of economic history and it is the most important part in the whole thesis.With realizing of the different level of the concept of economic history view of Braudel,the material civilization,market economy,capitalism and economy of world in turn are gradually analyzed in this part.The third part mainly analyzes the related problems in the view of economic history from the perspective of civilized history,long duree and total history,in order to explore Braudel's view of economic history from different angles.In general,Braudel's interpretation of history involves many issues,and the most central issue is the distinction between market economy and capitalism.This will help us to have a more profound understanding of the market economy,and still have reference significance to reality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fernand Braudel, Economic Interpretation of History, Annales School, Multiple Historical View
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