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Fernand Braudel History Research

Posted on:2013-05-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330395951427Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The French historian Fernand Braudel was the second-generation leader of the Annales School. He was one of the most eminent historians in the20th Century. His historical writings and thought not only profoundly changed the trend of western historiography, but also step across the intelligentsia, and thoroughly influenced man’s overall understanding of the history and the world.In this dissertation, I study Braudel’s historical writings and his historical thought. On the bases of the overall discuss of Braudel’s main achievements, I try to reveal the unique characteristics of his historical writings and historical thought. The writing of this dissertation is closely linked to the association of Braudel’s life experiences and academic thought, showing the soil of Braudel’s historical thought.Specifically, the main body of this dissertation contains following content:The first chapter,"French historiography before Braudel", focuses on the intellectual background before the birth of Braudel’s historical thought. This part is by no means a simple introduction. Instead, I try to reveal the internal consistency of the traditional history and new history. Apparently, these two kinds of history composed ruptures, but to some extents they also formed continuity. On the introduction of the early Annales School, I pay particular attention to the content which later influenced Braudel’s intellectual perspective.The second chapter,"Braudel’s academic life" does not tell a tale of his personal experience and academic history, but to focus on two periods. The first period is Braudel’s childhood and adolescence, during which he formed his worldview. The second period is from the time he engaged in teachers’ work until he finished his work "Mediterranean" in the POW camp. These days he experienced a very unique and very rich life, which directly related to the formation of the maturity of his historical thought and historiography style.The third chapter discusses Braudel’s theory of "longue-duree", which is Braudel the most original thought, the most extensive influence, far-reaching theory, which has already become the academic verdict. It is no exaggeration to say that "longue-duree" is the cornerstone of Braudel view of history. This chapter is divided into two parts, the main content of "longue-duree" and the significance of "longue-duree". The theory of "longue-duree" suggests that we attach importance to the semi-static deep layer in history, which is a sobering medicine in historical understanding. The theory of "longue-duree" guides us to get rid of the narrow linear limitations in the study of history."Longue-duree" is not only a key for historians to understand the societies and civilizations, but also a pointer for us to read and understand historical writings, and a mirror for common people to observe the world. As to the ethics of history, because the time scale of the "longue-duree" lasts far beyond the experience of human life dimension, the emphasis of the "longue-duree" detached history from life care in certain senses, and relieve history of its ethical responsibility.The fourth chapter is "Braudel’s view of history", which here in a broad sense, including the view of historiography. Three aspects are discussed. First, the historical thought revealed in his early writings which revolted against the traditional historiography. I tried to comb through the early masterpiece establish some continuity of Braudel’s thought. The second part discusses Braudel’s view of historiography of civilization. As a professor at the College de France for many years taught the history of civilization, the historiography of civilization has a special meaning for Braudel. The third part is a brief introduction of his view of economical history by means of explaining several concepts.The concepts of material civilization, capitalism, and so on, are concepts which Braudel gave meanings of the rich distinctive personal touch. He based the theory of "longue-duree" to form the new interpretation of these concepts.The fifth chapter discusses the characteristics of Braudel’s historiography, the so-called characteristics means the exemplification of unique historical thought and style. This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part "vague characteristics" reveals that in his historical writings, Braudel always keeps vague and uncertain; he tends to circumvent the definition, and does not easily make conclusions. The second part "multiple motives which emphasizing material factors" on the one hand, explores Braudel’s pluralist position, on the other hand, I give my personal interpretation of Braudel’s emphasis on material factors. The third part of the "limited determinism" is made of this issue of the Braudel whether geographical environment determinist.Apart from the main body, there are three appendices, which consist of the academic chronology of Braudel, reminiscence by Fernand Braudel’s Wife, and an interview of Braudel. These materials can help us to form a comprehensive, three-dimensional grasp of Braudel’s historical thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:Braudel, longue-duree, the Annales School, historicalthought
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