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The Annales Paradigm And Jacques Le Gofts New History Practice

Posted on:2014-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401981366Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the development of western history in20th century, the rise of the French Annalesschool undoubtedly had lots of great meanings, the famous historical concepts such as‘totalhistory’,‘problem history’ had profoundly impacted on other country’s history research. Asan important representative of the third generation historians of Annales School, Jacques LeGoff not only inherited the previous achievements of Annales School, but also constantlyinnovated history ideas and had made big contributions in the areas of history of mentality,history of imagine and historical anthropology. The main purpose of this paper is to find outthe relations between Annales paradigm and Jacques Le Goff’s new history thought andpractice. In the introduction I mainly talk about Le Goff’s academic career, academic writingand academic background,make a good preparation for the main content of the paper.In the first part of the paper,I summarized theoretical heritages of Annales School, suchas global history, history of problem,after analyzing the history conceptions, I pointed outthe problems which had emerged in the development of those concepts and make agroundwork for the below.In the second part of the paper, I studied the relationship between Le Goff’s new Historyand global history of Annales school. In his new history research, Le Goff’s not onlyemphasised the idea in history epistemology, but also made good examples in the practice, themediaeval civilization is a good represent. In this book Le Goff not only reflected Annalesschool’s traditions such as pay attention to time and space in history research and integralresearch on society, but also formed his own perspectives.In the third part of the paper, I began to study Le Goff’s comprehensions in someepistemology problems of history, as the basic core of Annales school’s methodology, the‘problem history’ represent a profound revolution in historical epistemology. The contributionof Le Goff’s new history not only ameliorated historical epistemology, but developed it, thesuccess of intellectual in the middle ages attributed to the selection of the issue.In the fourth part of the paper,I mainly talked about the interdisciplinary researchmethod of Le Goff’s new history. Inherited the previous achievements of Annales School, LeGoff opened up new fields such as history of mentality, historical anthropology and formedhis own history characteristic. The last paragraph is an overall appraisal on Le Goff’s newhistory and sum up the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Annales School, Jacques Le Goff, total history
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