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A Study On The Pomes Of Yu Hu In The Mid-Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2018-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515482527Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yu Hu is a poet in the mid-Tang Dynasty.In his Thirty years,he is not make a name for himself,so he chose to live in seclusion in HanYang,visited priest and tripped in the mountains.Then,Yu Hu worked in the government,but he felt illiberality,so he chose to seclue again.In the Tang Dynasty,the poem stars shine,even in the mid-Tang Dynasty the author also pick up parallel heel trace.Yu Hu is not famous and there is little information about him,so few people have studied him.This will be on the basis of predecessors,poetry text and collect materials to making a more detailed study of his life,correcting and annotating his poetries,to show his poems before the world.This paper is divided into two parts.The main part is divided into three chapters,the first chapter mainly discussed his origin,life stories,and friendship.The second chapter mainly research on his poetry,first of all,collecting of his poetry cunmu situation,secondly,staging his poetry to learn of his writing process,the last,screening of garbled works in his poems,clear attribution.The third chapter starts with the text of the poems,explaining the content,style and artistic achievements.The content of poetry is divided into the following four aspects: visiting the Taoists,frontier-style Poetry,elegy and seclusion.The artistic style is mainly based on Qing and Qi,some poerties gloomy and heavy,which it can be seen that the artistic style is changeable.Artistic achievements are listed in the following three aspects: in the description,and spirit are all like,gratuitous words,feeling loved deeply,good scenery,read as seen.The appendix is for the notes and annotations of Yu Hu's poems,for now there is no specialized on the Yu Hu 's Poetries.In the paper selected Full Collection of Tang Poems as the original text,Also consider wenyuan yinghua,Ten Thousand of Quatrains In Tang Dynasty,Tang poetry collection,Shi Cang Ancient Poems and so on.Paying attention to the different situation,understanding the allusions,words,sentences are uncommon detailed notes,In order to get a true poetry in front of readers.
Keywords/Search Tags:YuHu, Mid-Tang dynasty, life, poetry, discuss
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