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The Analyses Of The Performance Adapted From Dan Zhao Yi's "Si Lian"

Posted on:2018-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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"Si Lian" taking the lovesickness and attachment Dan Zhaoyi righteousness piano "Si Lian" adapted from a song lyric "that's me,take you away from home,his homesickness,melodious rhythm,artistic conception is similar.As adapted piano music,the work itself is not complicated,without too much freeboard difficulty technique,changes of the song are only a few,but in Chinese music genre is widely circulated in the form of solo,the difficult of the works is in the visible emotional artistic conception,more is the breakthrough on the level of play,how to use fingertips to melody played on a dark,make real emotional displays,make the music more audible,worthy of deep research and exploration.Based on the piano "Si Lian" as the research subject,including the introduction,three chapters and conclusion.The creation of the first chapter briefly describes the thoughts,including personal resume of Mr Zhao righteousness and background of the age of this piece of work.The second chapter,based on the analysis about the structure of "thoughts",through to the rhythm,harmony,melody,tonality,melody interpreted,accurately grasp its structure.The third chapter focuses on analysis of the work on performance,including the sound level,the rhythm control,emotion,pedal,touch key,and the author understanding of the works when playing this piece of work analysis,in order to good.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Si Lian", Dan Zhaoyi, performance, analysis
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