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On Confucius' Thoughts Of Moral Education

Posted on:2018-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515479437Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Confucius is a famous thinker and educator in the ancient history of our country,which is the pioneer of Confucianism moral education theory system.Confucius moral education thought is a complete and systematic theory system that has very rich connotation.It is of great importance in the development of Chinese moral education.The modern moral education faces the severe challenge of theory and practice.It is very important for us to explore and inherit the positive achievements of Confucius' moral education doctrine,and to improve the ideological and moral quality of all the people and cultivate the ability and morality.Based on the original text of "The Analects of Confucius" as the basis of the study.In terms of its content and structure,this paper mainly includes the following parts:The first part,the background and significance of the research are presented.The basic ideas and methods of the research are put forward on the basis of the investigation of the current domestic and foreign research status,and points out the innovation and inadequacies of the study.The second part,the conditions for the formation of Confucius moral education thought.Confucius' s moral education thought formation era including the rise of a new well field system collapse of morality,ethics and new falling of ceremony called for private schools to form multiple education pattern.The ideological and cultural conditions of ideological education of the clan society bud,Xia and Shang Dynasty's moral education thought and the Western Zhou Dynasty King Tak music education.The third part,Confucius moral education thought system.Confucius' thought of moral education is the core of his educational thoughts.This part discusses the goal,content,method of Confucius moral education.The content of Confucian moral education is abundant and has complete system.Humanity serves as its major moral purpose,courtesy as its core moral standard,Loyalty as its supreme moral principle,filial piety as its basic moral specification,thus we can acquire the ideal moral personality as a wise and noble man.The fourth part,Confucius' s thought of moral education emphasizes the importance of moral education,and constructs the theoretical system of moral education,which is based on "Humanity",which is the beginning of the practice of moral education for all.At the same time,Confucius' s thought of moral education over emphasized the limitation of moral self-discipline.Confucius' s thought of moral education enlightens us to make clear the goal of moral education,to improve the content of moral education,to adopt flexible and diverse methods of moral education,and to carry out a variety of moral education activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Confucius, Moral Education, Humanity
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