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Confucius' Moral Thought And Modern Meaning

Posted on:2012-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330341950709Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history, created a precedent for traditional moral education in ancient China. "The Analects" written in the spring and autumn period, on the thinking about the detailed account of moral education of Confucius, it is the most basic important and most reliable historical documents on our research about Confucius'moral education thought and activities.This study is based on "The Analects", supplemented by collecting a large number of related research books and papers, through analysis, summary, induction and generalization about the moral education of Confucius depth and detailed, try my best to mining quintessence of Confucian moral education in a deep-level. The first part, from the age and culture aspects to analysis the specific context of Confucius moral education's born; the second part, from four aspects to explain Confucius moral education systematically: the "gentleman" as the goal of moral education; the " benevolence " as the core of moral education, including some specific items like righteousness and politeness; use the consciousness of moral goals, the non-utilitarian ethical of moral means and the inspiration in the moral process as the moral education's principles; use "learns and ascended" as the method of moral education, include both thinking and learning, introspection and self-blame, make no social distinctions in teaching, teach students in accordance with their aptitude,inspiration,to accelerate each other between teaching and studying and so on. The third part, summarizes the characteristics of Confucian moral education - "learning", "thinking" and "action" and the relationship of dialectical unity; the fourth part ,discusses the modern value of Confucian moral thought: use the ideals and beliefs of education as the core, enhance civic morality; use the moral content system integration as the focal point, building a harmonious interpersonal relationship; use the innovation of principles and methods as the driving force, opening up new moral ideas; use the practice as the basis, take the practice of morality and moral unity of the road.Today, the globalization and market economy are rapid developing, face to the society with rapidly changing, moral decline, environmental pollution, ecological crisis, materialism, hedonism and other abuses continue appeared, moral education and social development are facing new problems, new crises, strengthen the socialist moral construction is our urgent task. Confucius moral education had permeated all aspects of life through thousands of years; provide a good platform to us to solve a series of modern problems like human's crisis of faith in a new age . In contemporary China, to deepen reconsider the Confucian moral Theory, inherit and carry forward the Confucian moral education and found the best part which is worth that we should learn, find the meeting point of traditional and modern, in order to promote research and development contemporary Chinese moral education, so that contemporary moral education more accord with domestic practice and the needs of the times, to supply a better service for building the harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Confucius, moral education, practical significance
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