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A Translation Practice Report Of BHP Billiton 2016 Annual Report

Posted on:2018-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W S ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The translation practice is self-initiated and the translation material is BHP Billiton 2016 Annual Report,which is a practical report of BHP Billiton.Choosing the company's annual report as a translation of the text can help domestic investors and people who are interested in this company to understand its operating conditions;on the other hand,taking into account the shortage of translation research of this type of text,the translation practice has some reference significance on the translation of the annual report.Through the analysis of the translation texts and the translation results,it is found that the difficulties in translation practice come from two main aspects:first,lexical translation: the translation of terminologies and the specialization of common word,the author adopts the method of referring to the dictionaries and choosing the word meaning according to the context to solve the problems;second,sentences translation: attributive clause translation and passive sentence translation,and the author uses the preposition method,post-position method,conversion method,translating as active sentence,translating as passive sentence,translating as non-subject sentence to solve the problems.This report includes four parts: translation task description,translation process description,translation case analysis and summary of the translation practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation of Annual Report, Translation Practice, Words Translation, Sentences Translation
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