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A Report On C-E Translation Of Mitac International Corporation Annual Report

Posted on:2018-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q KeFull Text:PDF
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Under today's background of information technology, industrialization and globalization, business translation functions as a booster in promoting international communication and cooperation, advancing the global socio-economic development for common benefit. Nowadays, in order to attract more foreign investors, more and more small and medium enterprises have provided annual reports to the public. Annual Report is an important channel for investors to fully understand the operation and financial situation of the Company. According to the rules and regulations specified by Securities and Exchange Commission, listed companies must submit to the shareholders annual financial statements including the company's basic information, operating status, assets and liabilities, cash flow reports and so on. There are three reasons accounting for selecting important contents of Mitac International Corporation annual report as a translation project: First of all, from the stylistic point of view, this is a typical non-literary translation, practical and with clear purpose, so by the translation of the source text can I further improve the effects of translation practice. Secondly,as a business text, it covers a wide range of contents, including finance, information technology, financial accounting and other professional information, which focus on the transmission of information. In terms of particular style and words of the source text, I try to do a preliminary research and exploration on the translation methods and strategies of the text. As for the difficulties encountered in the translation practice,I make specific analysis of specific issues and puts forward practical and reliable methods to solve specific problems. Business text features accuracy, simplicity, clarity, and objectivity.Accordingly,business Chinese-English translation should retain these characteristics in the translation. This requires translators to follow the principle of being faithful, smooth and accurate in the translation process.This thesis aims to analyze the characteristics of business translation in the process of Chinese-English translation and to summarize the translation methods for the annual report. In Chapter ?, I introduce business activities in general and give an overview of the purpose and meaning of translation practice. In Chapter ?, I describe the translation process in details. During translation process, I have to spend great efforts to think over the C-E translation for professional vocabulary, terminology and long sentences. After looking up the E-E and C-E dictionaries of authority, the translator has much more comprehensive and profound understanding of polysemy. proper nouns, terminology and unfamiliar words. To translate these words accurately in native and idiomatic way makes the whole translation task accomplished successfully with half the efforts. In order to maximize the professionalism of the translation,I read a wide range of books related to the business English and translation. According to the characteristics of this text,I follow the guidance of the instructor and the principle of combining the theory with practice. Concerning the problems of vocabulary and sentence expression, after reading the translation materials, I translate texts by translation methods such as zero translation,literal translation and translation techniques such as omission,addition and shift etc.Therefore, in the third chapter of this thesis, I focus on the specific methods for translation of the annual report. First of all, for the professional terminology in the annual report, I look up professional books to confirm whether there are English terms widely accepted and used. If not, I look for other interpretation of common words and choose the suitable ones and then collocate them. Potential words and collocation will be checked whether they appear in parallel texts or authoritative sources where meanings are matched or similar. For long sentences frequently appear in the annual report, I realize the accurate translation of sentences by means of identifying the sense group,confirming the subject and predicate, and arranging hierarchy of sentences. For sentences without subject, I have to find appropriate way out. One way is to adopt passive voice and choose a noun from the sentence to serve as the subject. The other way is to find out the real subject by consulting colleagues. In Chapter IV, I draw conclusions. On one hand, a translator should study the translation materials again and again. On the other hand, in translation process, facing problems including the translation of professional vocabulary, the processing of general words which frequently appear in texts, the use of words with unfamiliar interpretation as well as understanding and integrating long and difficult compound sentences, choosing accurate tenses and proper conversion of the voice, the translator must carefully analyze and interpret the source text and keep to translation purpose and the reader's situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:annual report, translation, terminology, long sentences, sentences without subject, parallel texts
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