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Wang Yangming's Thought Of "Unity Of Knowledge And Action" And Contemporary Value

Posted on:2018-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W JiaFull Text:PDF
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That is a very important research field Chinese philosophy,in the philosophical history of China,most philosophers have their own unique view of knowledge and practice,and formed many different theories,each have their own characteristics.The Ming Dynasty Wang Yangming is the first proposed and philosophers in the history of our country,and emphasized the important position in the action.The essence of his thought is in fact about human knowledge and effective unity,which highlights the importance of action at the same time,in order to better highlight this point of view,elaborated it did very well in the relationship between the explanation and demonstration of knowledge.The view that knowledge is interdependent,the relation is very close,that is from the beginning of the operation,knowledge should be effective unity,so that both can better play their respective advantages and characteristics,if the research of simple one,in fact is not what meaning.In Wang Mingyang's point of view,knowing and doing is both effective and unified,and the two are inseparable.Knowledge can be understood as a line,the line is the practice of knowledge,both of which are different aspects of the study of human behavior,and there is no logical order.If there is no knowledge in the line as a guide,the line will lose the direction,the opposite is only know and not line,also just talk.At the same time,in Wang Yangming's view,it emphasizes the importance of the line,which is considered to play an important role.In his mind,he would pay more attention to it,if it is just to say,but not to do it,there will be no problem.Therefore,in a sense,compared with the knowledge,the line is relatively important,the form of expression is known,but this is not true knowledge.So,for Wang Yangming,but not only know the action is actually not stressed in their study,just thinking of true knowledge,but only to get it,otherwise it will not lifelong.From the above discussion,we can find that knowledge is dependent on the line,only the line can promote the effective development of knowledge.Wang Yangming effective combination of knowledge and practice,for the relationship between the two targeted research,and compared to the traditional knowledge and philosophy of the previous point of view,the content is more perfect,more reasonable and profound interpretation.In the view of theoretical weaknesses in the aspects of processing and for scholars before weakening,mainly the use of dialectical materialism to explain the relationship between the two,not only is the mutual promotion and mutual dependence,or contact and penetration of the relationship between them,acommunity of existence,the dialectical unity to know and the closer relationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Yangming, The unity of knowledge and action, contemporary value
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