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Translation Practice Report

Posted on:2017-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of university international collaboration, the number of university international collaboration agreements signed by colleges and universities grows significantly, which results in growing concern over the drafting, normalization and rigorousness of the translation work. This translation report, taking the translation practice of an international cooperation 2+2 dual-degree program agreement conducted by the author, aims to sum up the features, problems, methods through the analysis from the level of lexis, syntax of these agreements.The author has chosen the functional equivalence theory proposed by Eugene Nida as the guidance for the translation practice. With examples taken from the translation work, the translation report analyzes difficulties in the translation process and measures taken.The report consists of four parts. Part one introduces the background, content, objective and significance of the translation practice. Part two describes the translation work, which mainly includes the preparation work, translation process and quality control. Part three is case study: the author shows how to deal with difficulties and obstacles encountered during the translation practice, including transformation of parts of speech, translation of specialized terms, long and complex sentences, and passive voice sentences, in light of the guidance theory. Part four summarizes the discussion and analysis of the former parts.
Keywords/Search Tags:International Joint Education Program Agreement, functional equivalence, case study, translation approaches
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