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A Report On The Translation Of The Short Story "Snow" Of Pilnyak

Posted on:2017-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Russian literature has its own unique long history and culture,attracting a large number of literary translators to translate and make a study. This article is a literary translation project reports. Translation content is a classic novel called “Snow” that was wrote by a famous writer Pilnyak in the former Soviet Union. Boris Andreevich · Pilnyak was a prestigious writer who was occupied an important position in the Russian literature in 1920s- 1930 s. He was called “Pilnyak Group ”because the plot was moving and meaningful and the form and content were unique in his novels. His works had been translated in multiple languages and had tremendous impacts. Short story “Snow” is no any translation currently in China. The translation of this novel allows Chinese readers to have a better understanding of Russian literature which was in the Silver Age transition culture and writer's creative ideas and real social phenomenon in the former Soviet Union. Therefore, it has high literary value and academic value.Pilnyak' s works has been translated by many foreign writers. For example, the novel “Famine Years ” was translated into English, German,Spanish, Japanese, Norway, and other languages. In China, there are stillmuch Chinese translation of his works, such as novella “Ivan and Maria”(1922), “ Black Bread Story”(1923), “ Machines and Wolf ”(1925) etc This thesis is the author of a translation report after the translated Pilnyak short stories “Snow”. There is no Chinese translation of the novel “Snow”in China now. The novel translation can expand our reader's literary perspective and understand the writer's unique artistic creation technique.Besides, it also provides readers more opportunities to read and comprehend the Soviet literary people's inner world.The introductory part of this thesis describes the author, works and research actuality as well as the translation meaning of this novel.The first chapter of this thesis is the description of the translation task including the brief overview of the contents and the language characteristics of the novel. The second chapter introduces the translation process of the author, problems and solutions encountered in the process of translation and the translation proofreading. The third chapter is a theoretical thinking of the whole translation process of the author and the concept of translation.The conclusion of this thesis is to make a general summary, as well as valuable harvest of the author from this literary translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Snow, Pilnyak, Translation report, The original
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