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On The Translation Strategies Of The Cohesive Devices In The Pilot's Wife

Posted on:2017-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
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As the most basic unit of communication, a text has to be clear in meaning so as to realize successful communication. For this purpose, cohesion has to be used in any text. English and Chinese belong to different language families, and there are huge differences between the cultures and thinking modes behind them, and the same is true with their cohesions. Thus, when we do translation, we have to have a good understanding of the cultures, languages and thinking modes and properly use cohesions so as to produce good translation. Since cohesion theories can give us a clear picture of the cohesions of different languages, it can be very helpful in our translation. Studying cohesion translation can enable us to master the cohesion devices and benefit us in our translation.This paper tries to, on the basis of the cohesion theories proposed by Halliday and Hu Zhuangling, analyze the translation of cohesions in The Pilot's Wife so as to find some specific ways for similar translation. I have mainly made analysis on such cohesions as reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction and used emission, repetition, and rearrangement of words and sentence order as translation strategies to translate such cohesions.
Keywords/Search Tags:cohesion theories, translation strategies, The Pilot's Wife
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