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A Research Report On E-C Translation Of Man And Wife(Excerpt) From The Perspective Of Peter Newmark's Translation Theories

Posted on:2019-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y DongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays,with the development of science and technology,cultural exchanges become more and more important among countries.As a significant bridge of cultural exchanges,literature reflects not only a kind of language but also a country's culture and history.Man and Wife,which was written by William Wilkie Collins,a talented novelist,has not been translated into Chinese.In China,Collins is not famous and only his The Moonstone and The Woman in White are popular.Through translating Man and Wife,the author hopes to know more about Scottish marriage law and women's social status in the nineteenth-century,and know more about Collins as well as his works' characteristics.Peter Newmark was one of the main figures in the founding of Translation Studies in twentieth-century.His put forward Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation on the base of long-term translation practices which are applicable for translating novels.The translation task of the author is from the seventh chapter to eleventh chapter.Based on the translation theories of Peter Newmark,this report aims to analyze the author's translation.In the process of translating,the author mainly took communicative translation approach with semantic translation in complementary for the novel is a popular fiction.There are four parts in this report.The first part includes the brief introduction to Collins and the translation task;the second part includes the introduction to Newmark and his translation theories;the third part includes some examples which were translated communnicatively or semantically;the last part includes the author's experience and difficulties in translating.Through this translation,the author has a better command of Newmark's translation theories and exemplifies the importance of using communicative translation semantic translation in translating.
Keywords/Search Tags:Man and Wife, semantic translation, communicative translation
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