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A Report On E-C Translation Of Safe Driving General Notes From Audi Automobile Manual

Posted on:2016-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F ShenFull Text:PDF
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With the improvement of living standards, more and more people choose to buy the car for traveling and the increasingly crowded traffic also effectively prove that. However, in stark contrast, people have quite inadequate knowledge of safely driving cars. Now foreign automobiles still dominate the domestic car market, so if you want to know about the latest knowledge of safe driving, it is necessary to study the source text. Therefore, the author chose to study the content about safe driving of Audi automobiles.The materials of the translation report are extracts from Audi owner's manual. The extracts provide detailed description about safe driving, including safe driving part, seat belts, airbag system and child safety. The extracts have such characteristics as using imperative sentences as much as possible, illustrating main points with figures, and mainly utilizing noun forms for titles. The translation of the report was conducted in the following steps:intensive reading, a through inquire of relevant materials, initial translation, modification, finalization of the translation and writing the translation report. The author came to understand the technical terms and the main contents by consultation of materials and intensive reading, and finalized the translation after initial translation and revision, and, in the end, wrote the translation report according to the writer's translation experience.The translation report consists of four parts:the first part is translation task description and introduce the background and nature of translation task; the second part introduces the translation process which includes preparation before translation, translation process and revision after translation; the third part is the core content, elaborating on some translation methods from two perspectives-word and sentence; the fourth part is the summary of the translation practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Audi Automobile Manual, Omission, Addition, Division
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