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Investigation On The Present Situation Of Tradional Yi Doctor

Posted on:2019-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2334330542453877Subject:Ethnic Traditional Sports
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Witch culture as the ancestors of the medical culture,enrichment culture of the ancient original content.However,with the changing times,witch culture rooted in traditional Chinese culture was a big shock,until it has been to the brink of disappearing.Witch culture research in recent years has attracted many researchers ' attention,but focuses on the history and theory of cultural research,had little real in-depth site for field research.In a bold and innovative principles with reference to folklore and archaeological methods,select commonly inhabited by people of the Yi nationality in Wenshan,Yunnan as a study case.Through field work,questionnaire,interview and documentation,research methods,research for the witch doctor,reached the following conclusions and recommendations.Conclusions:(1)at present,most people think that witch doctors treated with a certain degree of reliability,with need,the main reason for this is the local witch doctor.(2)the soul of the Yi people worship of God,to the regular hospital doctor,is currently the Wenshan witch doctor one of the reasons.(3)most witch doctors for their health,for the purpose of this article to ward off disease for the patient on.Witch doctors to treat patients,whether the fees and charges for witch doctor they wish.(4)through to related departments,as well as with the witch doctor consultation,free medicine of the Yi nationality in Wenshan,Yunnan province in the local organization currently unattended operation of individual freedom.(5)field survey found that sick,soul recasting is an inevitable condition of Yi medicine;Yi medicine diagnosis,especially Advanced diagnosis requires medicine men must enter a special State of mind to feel patient,understanding the etiology;witch doctor healing process is the process of removing evil spirits,remove the evil spirits of the different items have different functions.(6)the witch doctor diagnosis,therapeutic process of modern psychology suggests that function suggestion:the results of this study show that,as of right now,the witch doctor has the necessity for its existence;people who wish to have more in-depth study of witch doctors,to lift the veil of mystery,its essence and dross,in may cases to better services for local people.
Keywords/Search Tags:analysis on the medicine of the Yi nationality in Wenshan
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