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Research Of Quan Ti Xin Lun Shu Zheng

Posted on:2017-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2334330536952757Subject:History of science and technology
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Since the late Qing Dynasty,Western culture and knowledge have been imported into China,Western medicine is no exception.With the arrival of medical missionaries,especially Benjamin Hobson a doctor came from the United Kingdom published QUANTIXINLUN(??????)that the first introduction of Western anatomy and physiology of the monograph in modern China in1851,the Western intensified.With the increasing influence of Western physiology,the modern Chinese medicine education in China has been a huge impact,Chinese medicine physiology and Western physiology inevitably a positive collision,which gave birth to Zhang Shanlei represented by the Huitong school.Zhang Shanlei life in the exploration and practice of modern Chinese medicine education road,whether it is the early Jiading yellow wall of Traditional Chinese Medicine School,and later the Shanghai Chinese medicine school,or the last fifteen years of life in Zhejiang Lanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine work,he always attention to teaching quality and methods of life,compiled more than 20 kinds of teaching materials,are based on the classic works,integration of Chinese and Western,theory and practice for modern Chinese medicine education has made outstanding contributions,called Modern Chinese medicine practitioners.QUANTIXINLUNSHUZHENG(????????)is the first time in Chinese and Western medicine controversy caused by the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine case in the historical context,by Zhang Shanlei in Lanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine during teaching,according to QUANTIXINLUN(??????)evidence for the anatomy Teaching of classroom teaching,in the Republic of China sixteen years(1927)published.In this paper,QUANTIXINLUNSHUZHENG(????????)the whole text to sort out,and then QUANTIXINLUN(??????)to compare the academic thinking of Zhang Shanlei summed up the analysis of modern Western medicine on Western understanding of the degree of absorption and absorption of the process.So as to make an evaluation of the historical status of the QUANTIXINLUNSHUZHENG(????????).And further extended to the influence of Western physiology on modem physiology of traditional Chinese medicine.First of all,this article by digging Zhang Shanlei's life experience,discusses its life with dedication to Chinese medicine education and medical career.In the study of all the new theory on the basis of evidence to explore Zhang Shanlei seek truth from facts,rigorous scholarship;focus on practice,learning in order to apply,Chinese and Western fusion,the heart of the Sino-Western academic thinking that the spirit of academic and academic thinking and experience is worth later Praise and learning.Secondly,this article for the first time,QUANTIXINLUNSHUZHENG(????????)the full text of a detailed combing,we can see that QUANTIXINLUNSHUZHENG(????????)on the various branches of physiology are described in detail,narrative rigorous objective,easy to understand,with high anatomy Teaching significance and research value.And then compare it with the QUANTIXINLUN(??????),we can see Zhang Shanlei in some of the physiology of a certain recognition or doubt when the use of a lot of theoretical knowledge of Chinese physiology,Chinese and Western integration,not a single word.In addition,according to Zhang Shanlei several times in conjunction with the theory of Chinese medicine to understand Western physiology,and several times for the apparent error of traditional Chinese medicine theory to justify.It can be asserted,on the one hand Zhang Shanlei on the Western physiology with a positive attitude,on the other hand Zhang Shanlei vigorously respected physiology,combined with Zhang Shanlei Chinese and Western fusion academic thought,not difficult to draw,Zhang Shanlei in efforts to absorb the views of Western physiology in progress,used to fill and improve the physiology of Chinese medicine,Chinese physiology can be better promotion and development.Finally,this article combines the modern Chinese medicine to the western physiology understanding degree and the absorption process,in particular,the QUANTIXINLUNSHUZHENG(????????)was published in 1927,however the Chinese Physiological Society was established in 1926 in the Union Medical College,at this point the Chinese community is already fully accepted the Western physiology,but Zhang Shanlei is still taking the"Combination of Chinese and Western"road,hoping to use their own efforts to do a trace of Chinese medicine struggle.We Can draw,QUANTIXINLUNSHUZHENG(????????)is the modern Chinese medicine on Western physiology cognitive process in miniature,fully embodies the Zhang Shanlei represented by a group of Chinese educators on Western physiology understanding and absorption of contradictions in the psychological and inner struggle.
Keywords/Search Tags:QUANTIXINLUNSHUZHENG(????????), Zhang Shanlei, History of modern Chinese medicine
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