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Improvement And Development Of The Pulley Compensation Device For Anti-eccentric And Anti-hopping

Posted on:2019-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330563454654Subject:Vehicle engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a signif icant symbol of rail way mo d ernization,the electrified railway is the major route to achieve high speed and heavy haul.With the fast development of th e times and Chinese national economy,the serio usly highlighted contradiction between transportation capacity and the cap acity of railw ay has become the bottleneck constraining the eco nomic development.Therefore,the development of high—speed electrified railway turns out to be an important measure to solve the supply-and-demand contradiction between pa ssenger and freight.The traction power supply system functions as an important part of high—speed electric railw ay,whose running state dire ctly decides the safety and efficiency of high—speed railway.However,the bre akdown of traction power supply system is always ineluctable.To ensure the safety and sta ble operation of traction power supply system,then enha ncing the reliability and continuity of power supply,a good running traction powe r supply system is very important and nec essary.This thesis mai nly focuses on the study of Catenary pulley—type compen sation device card hys teresis and eccentric wear for the traction power supply so as to ensure the good and stable power supply of high—speed elect rified railway traction power supply sys tem.This thsis analyzes the causes of def ects and puts forw ard the recom—mendations for improvement.With the rapid dev elopm ent of railway in rec ent years,the eatenary pulley compensator devices are widely used in new and existing lines.Catenary pulley—type compensation device exists in the ope rmion of fixed pulley card hysteresis and eccentric wear phenomenon,analyze the reasons causing card hysteresis and eccentric wear,the actual situati on in this paper line,developed a right device fixed pulley modification programs to address the fixed pulley card hysteresis and eccentric wear problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:catenary, compensation device, card clamping stagnation, eccentric wear
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