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Research And Practice Of Urban Fractal Structure Development In Beijing

Posted on:2019-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330545452077Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Background: Beijing's courtyard houses and hutongs have a long history.However,after the founding of the People's Republic of China,they faced tremendous pressure from the population and thus lost control and formed the current large courtyard.There are many reasons for the formation of this phenomenon.The most direct cause is the increase in population and the change in family structure.The Da zayuan has led to a series of problems such as high population density,low quality of life,and the decline of the old city in Beijing.Therefore,based on the assumption of a clear property rights system,this paper makes a conception of the future space of the Da zayuan.Methods: Trace the history.This paper analyzes the history of the development of urban fractal architecture in Beijing in combination with architectural typology and urban fractal theory.this article introduces the evolution of the "wall" element in the centripetal fractal structure.Then,the development history of the fractal structure of the unit plus path is analyzed.Finally,this article analyzes the transformation project of Hutong No.28 of the courtyard,which is mainly divided into three aspects: the formation of the family unit,the transformation of the courtyard house to the " courtyards" unit,and the relationship between the " courtyards " unit and the Hutong.Results: 1.The hierarchy and hierarchy of Beijing urban fractal structures follows the principle of “combined cities and buildings”.The fractal structure of the city as a whole is divided into two categories.One is the centripetal fractal structure dominated by the "wall" element,and the other is the multi-center fractal structure of the element plus path.Together they form the fractal structure of Beijing's cities.2.The "wall" element in the centripetal fractal structure can be reinterpreted in the new historical environment.3.The courtyard unit in the multi-center fractal structure of Yuan Dadu was reorganized to form the courtyard house in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,and the city street system was encrypted to respond to the increase in population density.4.The reconstruction project of the Courtyard Hutong No.28 using the “Jian” units of each building to form a smaller unit than the courtyard is the encryption of the original Beijing urban fractal structure.It is an inheritance and a development of the fractal structure of the Beijing city.Conclusion: Fractal encryption of Beijing's urban structure can respond to changes in population and society.The transformation model of the Da yuan Hutong No.28 can solve a series of problems such as low quality of life and the old city's devastation,and can continue the original urban fabric and build a dynamic city.Finally,this article conceived a plan for the promotion of this model in the old urban area of Beijing Siheyuan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Courtyard renovation, Beijing City Structure, Fractal Structure Development, Regulatory
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