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Preliminary Study On The Design Strategies Of The Fractal City Unit Spatial Structure

Posted on:2015-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452950183Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On the one hand, since the beginning of the1990s, the absorb and study of theFractal Theory in the field of urban planning and architecture provides a newperspective, a new way of thinking and a new revelation for understanding themechanism of urban development and solving urban construction problems. Also, itaccumulated a considerable achievement for achieving the development and updatingof "Fractal City" theory and practice. However, the study of the "Fractal City" narrowspatial structure level develops slowly and there are some gaps to be explored and toimprove. On the other hand, for the spatial structure, whether it is the unconsciousorganization that people imitate natural tissue, or the creation that a designer designsby his own design accomplishment and creative ability, or the interactivedevelopment between other organizations and own organization, many good cities,city units and building space structures have the connotation of fractal. That is, theFractal City Unit which is "not that fractal" has been already existed, and the spatialstructure has been widely recognized. And now we need do some analysis and sortingbased on fractal theory to rise phenomenology to theoretical understanding level, tochange passive acceptance to active use and to promote spatial structure positivedevelopment. Based on this background and understanding, this issue introduces inthe study of fractal theory in the field of urban unit spatial structure, in order tosummarize and derive the relevant design strategies, to design new inspiration, newideas, new learning and new targets based on the Fractal City Unit spatial structureand lead people be initiative to use, to solve related problems and to improve thedesign.The thesis research clue is as follows,a. Sorting and speculating stage: Sorting the basic connotation and denotation ofFractal Theory and "Fractal City", thinking the characteristics of thought, thecharacteristics of fractal geometry and the characteristics and related revelation of thenature system evolution.(Ch.1&Ch.2)b. Analyzing and deducting stage: Basing on the key research level determinedby the study scope, the urban unit spatial structure led by fractal thought which has been layered found, analyzed and re-understood, and the fractal characteristics ofthe urban and architectural instructive spatial structure and the reflected fractalthinking and design strategy, leisure resort unit as an example, we do the relativesystem analysis and supplement the corresponding points, we affirm indirectly andschematic the train of thought, and we summarize four levels of strategy main pointsof the city unit structure based on fractal theory by analyzing, summarizing anddeducting: Impact strategy points of culture, selection strategy points of function,contact strategy points of travel and organization strategy points of space, to inspiredesigning and be initiative to reference, associate and applicate.(Ch.3)c. Supplementing and perfecting stage: Basing on the Box Counting measuretheory and related research data, we use the Box Counting calculation program of theFractal fox software to calculating examples. Do objective analysis on the spatialstructure from a statistical point of view to determine the optimal guidance. As atechnology strategy, the Box Counting supplements and perfects research.(Ch.4)d. Summarizing and expanding stage: Summarizing the research results andinadequacy, and outlooking related research prospects.(Ch.5)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Fractal Theory, the Fractal City Unit, Leisure Resort, Spatial Structure, Design Strategies
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