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A Study On Behavior Memory Applied On The Research Of CMF For Intellectual Product

Posted on:2018-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GuFull Text:PDF
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The 21 st Century is an age when information technologies develop fast, and changing lifestyles have driven the emergence of smart products. Compared with non-smart products, smart ones have achieved certain breakthroughs in their emotions and brand images with their CMF design in place of styles. However, there are no perfect ways for designing CMF of smart products, so further research remains to be conducted in this respect.This paper intends to propose a “model for reflecting on behaviors and memories”, in order to guide CMF design for smart products. This paper is made up of two parts, including theoretical and practical research. The theoretical research is based on the practical research to verify outcomes of the theoretical research through the practical research. Theoretical research has achieved two major outcomes, including relationships of CMF design for smart products with the model for reflecting on memories and behaviors, and construction of the model. The first theoretical study focuses on discussing roles and important functions of “the model for reflecting on behaviors and memories” in CMF design for smart products. In the 2nd theoretical study, design methods and practical principles of the model are investigated from the perspective of behavioral transformation, memory retrieval and introspective evaluation. Behaviors are mainly transformed with the methods of Kansei engineering for classifying Kansei words. The stage of memory retrieval primarily covers Gestalt organization law, heterogeneous isomorphism, visual force field and metaphor-based cognitive models. In the process of the introspective evaluation, CMF design is completed by comprehensively considering colors, textures, materials and surface treatment technologies through modelling. After the investigation of above three parts, a range of relatively complete models and methods are finally obtained for reflecting on behaviors and memories, in hope of favorably promoting CMF design for smart products.In theoretically exploring the “models for reflecting on behaviors and memories”, the author tests these models in combination with the practical project known as “Research on CMF Design for Lenovo Smartphones”. The models are used for designing and guiding practices to achieve certain outcomes in design.After practices, it is discovered that the models for reflecting on behaviors and memories can transform Kansei into design elements and assist designers in completing their designs. Compared with other methods, these models have three characteristics as follows. Firstly, they are helpful for designers to be not subjective during design, so that their designs can be evidence-based. Secondly, they provide design methods in connection with visual tactility, in hope that designers can discover new innovations by classifying design elements and breaking through design limitations. Thirdly, they are favorable for unifying design objectives and increasing efficiency of a design team. Above all, these models can promote CMF design for smart products.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intelligent product, CMF design, design method
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