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The Study Of PCA Prefabricated Houseing Based In The Investigation Of Ningbo

Posted on:2016-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X CaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the housing industrialization hasbeen developing rapidly.The government hasintroduced a series of policies to promote the development of housingindustrialization. Simultaneously, among the housing markets, the large real estate developers and construction enterprises take the lead of housing industrialization exploration and a large number of pilot projects have sprung up.In May 2015, a expert committee about Shanghai declaring national housing industry modernization pilot city was held successfully, which meant the area of Shanghai housing industry has taken another historic step.At present, Ningbo developed slowly in the field of housing industrialization. Recently, Ningbo government also issued an influential suggestion on accelerating the industrialization of new building, which will play a important role in promoting housing industrialization of Ningbo.This paper has investigated a number of manufacturer engaged in typical PCa prefabricated housing projects and prefabricated units. In order to get the project of Ningbo Guide and reference, we examined the national and local policies, technical specifications, and PCa assembly structure, definition of the level of industrialization, industrialization of precast facades, interior, and other aspects of the problem through the analysis and comparison of the survey results.Through the data collection, field research and draw on comparative methods, this paper studied the developing situation and existing problems of PCa fabricated. Eventually, we can be guided to solve the specific problems encountered in practicethrough a combination of research and design. This paper has investigatedPCa Assembly development situation in detailin China, that contributed to the study of developing state of the PCaAssembly. Meanwhile, the paper's main purpose and meaning is used to guide the engineering practice and solve specific problems encountered in the project.
Keywords/Search Tags:PCa prefabricated housing, Structural system, Prefabricated units, Connection mod
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