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The Renovation Of Public Space In Daxiaomeijia Village,Hefeng Town,Lishui District Of Nanjing City

Posted on:2017-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The public space of the village is where the villagers can live, communicate and play. The quality of public space is directly related to the quality of the villagers' lives. However, with the development of the society as well as the science and technology, the public space just becomes a place having lost its original function. What's worse, it is gradually presenting disappearing. Therefore, in this renovation process, we want it to be more approachable and understandable, instead of the so-called master plan. The purpose to make this renovation is to solve some existing problems, such as less plants, muddy roads, unclean ponds, unhandled garbage, lacking of service facilities and so on. The renovation of the public space should be rebuilt according to the actual situation of the village, and then the traditional style will be retained.This paper takes Daxiaomeijia village in Lishui town, Nanjing city as the object, and uses the basic model, which is "analyzing the problems, proposing the demands-realizing the reason of the formation, making the plans-combining with theories" to do some researches on Daxiaomeijia village.This paper is divided into six chapters:Chapter One:the introduction part introduces the background, organizes the related research at home and abroad and states the purpose, the significance, the method and also the framework of the whole paper.Chapter Two:In this part, it study the theory of public space, analyzes the characteristics of the village public space and expounds the importance of the public space in both improvement and promotion of the village.Chapter Three:This part combines with the case, "five golden flowers", in Jiangning district, Nanjing city to analysis the method of public space construction so that it can provide some reference value on public space.Chapter Four:This chapter introduces the general situation of the village and its surrounding environment, analyzes the current status of the public space trying to find the problems, and studies the reasons of its formationChapter Five:In this part, it analyzes the factors of the village's public space renovation, clarifies the development needs of the village public space, and then combines with the theoretical to make the conclusion.Chapter Six:In the conclusion part, it summarizes the research result, analyzes the deficiency and expects the renovation of the public space of the village.
Keywords/Search Tags:Daxiaomeijia Village, The public space, Renovation
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