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The Role Of Packaging In Brand Promotion Of The Tibetan

Posted on:2017-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D C QiFull Text:PDF
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Since Tibetan incense industry are Tibetan nationality is the important traditional ethnic industry incense in the Tibetan people's life plays an important role,its production of raw materials containing many kinds of natural spices and Tibetan area of rare plants and herbs,resulting in the formation of the endemic to Tibetan areas of the pure natural non adding any industrial raw materials of handicraft products.Due to the Tibetan incense on the human body has a multitude of health effects,so incense use gradually is not limited in the Tibetan region,it also begin to enter the more ordinary people's life.But at present on the Tibetan incense packaging market overall in the chaotic state,packaging quality is uneven,extent affected the incense industry development.Packaging design so selected this topic for incense.PressureBased on introduction of the construction of mulberry Pu incense packaging creative design source and thinking and record the ideas of the various stages of the design process,the author of the article is divided into five chapters of statement:the first chapter first introduced the establishment of Tibetan incense and "mulberry Pu" brand,in order to pave the way down to pick the packaging design.The second chapter is on the analysis of the background of design of incense packaging market,and incense packaging of the domestic market situation and development trend are analyzed in detail.In the third chapter,expounds the market positioning of the brand,in the fourth chapter,a detailed record of the whole packaging design specific writing practice process.In the fifth chapter,the system of this graduation project is summarized.In the packaging design,according to the online and offline sales channels positioning,packaging design in order to ensure the overall style series at the same time,according to difference design,so as to achieve the incense is pushed to the broader market.
Keywords/Search Tags:tibetan, development, brand packaging
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