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A Study Of Feministic Characters In The Works Of Le Corbsier

Posted on:2016-11-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XiongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the early years of the twentieth century, European continent headed by United Kingdom have experienced a significant economic boom. While in the meantime many social problems have emerged: the gap between rich and poor was expanding, female social standing remains low, and consumerism is prevailing. All of these symptoms have a remarkably similarity to what we at this time and stage is experiencing in China. Consequently, an in depth research and study of Le Corbusier- one of the most significant architecture in the twentieth century- should be still of a very meaningful and valuable for modern design in our country.Corbusier is one of the most important architecture of 20 th century, sometimes even being referred to as the “banner man of modern architect”. His long professional career expand and juxtaposed with the advancement of modernism architecture history, leaving behind him as much as 47 literatures and countless design works. This essay have been accordingly divided into 5 section: Introduction part explains the reason behind this research, analysis the status quo of this specific research area, then go on to detail some of the methodologies we employed in the research. Second part talks about the age background and character background, as Corbusier grew up at the end of the Victorian age, which also happens to be the peak of the first wave of feminist movement. We also introduced some other feminist pioneers in the same age. The Third section mainly analysis the feminism features in the literatures written by Le Corbusier. The Fourth section then go on to explore the feminism features in the design works of him. Then lastly conclude the essay in the final section.The innovation of this work is about discovering the humanistic details in Le Corbusier's literature and architecture, combining with the time and age he lived in as well as some of the philosophical theories he believed in. We then boldly conjecture he might also have been influenced by feminism movement at the time and possess some form of feminism ideologies. We analysis works and thoughts of influential feminism writers, activists and pioneers of that time, then shows that they have indeed share remarkably similar thoughts in many ways, hence proved our theories right.We have an old saying in China goes “using history as a mirror”, this article intend to inspire modern designers through taking a deep look into the works of Le Corbusier: Designers should avoid from being carried along by the tide of the consumerism society. Do not take an indifferent stance on social problems. Designers should keep try to bring these issues into the focus through their works, and offer a solution while possible.
Keywords/Search Tags:Corbusier, architecture, feminist
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