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Modern People's Blessing Psychology And Its Application In Underpants Design

Posted on:2018-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2321330542474174Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This project adopts underpants,the carrier meeting modern people's psychological need of blessing,as the research object and deeply explores the expression pattern of modern people's blessing psychology via acomparison between elements of traditional blessing culture at home and abroad and the design elements of modern blessing culture,by combining studies on the blessing psychology.Furthermore,this paper also conducts market survey on the style design of various underpants.Finally,trough perceptual cognition,the rational analysis of the elements of Chinese blessing culture will be combined with the modern design,so as to explore the deep market value of the underpants embodying the elements of blessing culture.The blessing psychology of modern people has various expressionforms which at the same time are different from the traditional blessing patterns and blessing psychology.Modern people pay more attention to individual blessing expressions and care more about the individual and distinct expressions of subjective appeals.Besides,they put forward high requirements for beauty in the form of blessing carriers.At the same time,the blessing willingness of modern people mainly depends on the evaluation they madeon their subjective values.On the basis of study of the blessing psychology of traditional Chinese culture,this project investigates the modern people's blessing psychology to understand modern people'sappeal to the blessing psychology.Furthermore,by combining the style and appearance design of modern underpants,this project conducts research and consequent redesign on the traditional Chinese blessing culture and exotic blessing culture,and incorporates them in the design of underpants.Through sufficient verification and thinking,this paper formulates product position,market position,marketing and brand position of blessing-themed underpants,meeting the aesthetic view of modern people in a brand new sense and havingthe function of meeting the psychologicalneeds forblessing.This article provides a new angle of view and new design ideas for the modern people to have the psychological blessing underpants product design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern people, Blessing Psychological need, Underpants design
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