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The History Of Muscoidea Taxonomy Research In China By Foreign Scholars

Posted on:2019-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiuFull Text:PDF
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Muscoidea are one of the most closely related insect populations with human,and it is of great scientific and economic significance to study this group.Taxonomy is the basis of most branches of biology and it is the first step in understanding,studying,protecting and utilizing biological resources.As a large biodiversity country,China had attracted many foreign scholars to study biological resources,and many of them had been studying taxonomy of Muscoidea.It is very important to sort out the species catalogs,distributions,type specimens preservation units and whereabouts of the species published by these foreign collectors and researchers.This project is the history of science.For the first time,the retrospection and retro spection methods of literature review were used as the methods of literature search.A systematic review of the collection and research history of foreign flies from 1758 to260 years ago.To fill the gap in the research history of this group.Through consulti ng,analyzing and discussing,the results are reflected in the following aspects:Through the worldwide literature review,more than 100 treatises in various languages were selected and analyzed.Results show that the 188 years since 1830,successively in 11 countries 23 foreign scholars,report the total families and 344 species of insects fly China respectively,including naming so far published scientific name is still valid,a total of 148 species of the new species of the species of the family fly in China.Through research and analysis,the research process of foreigners is summarized in 4 the 19 th century;B.From the beginning of the 20 th century to the1950s;C.late 1950 s to the end of the 20 th century;D.The 21 st century.Each period consists of two parts: the collector and the descriptive researcher.Each time period and each part summarizes the characteristics of the time period,the time background,the representative character background and other relevant information.So that researchers in this field have a more comprehensive understanding of it.In chronological order,this paper lists the foreign researchers reported by chinese-made flies superfamily insect original scientific name,now known as,mills known,known information and the known model specimens were kept,for taxonomist revision for reference of the research.In this paper,the name of the foreign scholars' known treatise on the study of muscidae in China is listed.
Keywords/Search Tags:modern history, foreign researchers, China, Muscoidea, taxonomy, history of science
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