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The Research Of Community Planning Around The Haitan National Park

Posted on:2017-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M ChenFull Text:PDF
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Under the background of fast urbanization in our country, a large number of social resources are concentrated in the urban construction, but the development of the rural community has stalled. Traditional “Top to Down” rural construction is not only unable to solve the specifice problems of villages, also makes China rural community construction machine-made and lack of energy. Therefore, how to promote the rural community construction, maintain the traditional rural culture,promote the transformation and upgrading of rural community industry, improve the living standrads of rural residents, and realize the self development of the rural community,all these have been the focus of attention. As national important tourism resources, national parks show a contradictory and interdependent relationship with the surrounding rural communities. Both have a coordinated development, so as to be conducive to the protection of the national parks in China already, and conducive to the surrounding countryside community activation, promote the construction of the beautiful countryside.Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Area as a developing modern city, the problem in traditional rural increasingly prominent. In this thesis, on the base of the theory of community planning, the theory of community participation and empowerment, the theory of stakeholder and the theory of core edge, taking the surrounding community of the Hai Tan National Park of the PingTan comprehensive experimental area in FuJian as the research destination. And using the practice experience of community planning, by preserving the local cultural landscape,cohering community consciousness, strengthening community participation,developing tourism industry, construting tourism community, and realizing rural community autonomy self-management and self-development. This thesis analyzes the influence relationship between HaiTan National Park and surrounding community, determines the role position of the stakeholder of community planning nearby HaiTan National Park, points out the discrete friction mechanism of dynamicmechanism, and the corresponding coordination mechanism, puts forward three kinds of community planning mode: political and social unity mode, society and scence associated mode and community self-management mode, and puts forward the related policies of community planning nearby HaiTan National Park.The research of community planning around the Haitan National Park. On the one hand, helps to decode the rural developing dilemma under the background of PingTan development, realize the Haitan National Park and the surrounding communities of coordinated development, on the other hand, also helps to realize the social justice, to solve the problem of a new type of the rural urbanization construction provides new train of thought.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community planning, Tourism community, HaiTan National Park, Pingtan
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