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Research On Optimization Of Staff Training System In Industrial Bank Customer Service Center

Posted on:2017-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
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With the deepening of China’s financial reform, continuous improvement of the social requirements for the financial services, and the scope of the model, the competition between commercial banks from simple products, price competition change deep-seated service competition. Commercial bank customer service center not only commercial banks a after-sales service system and is also between commercial banks and customers to communicate directly the main channel is commercial banks to customers for an important sector of the trading platform, maintain customer relationship, collect customer needs, resolve customer questions and listening to the voice of the customer. However, in the customer service center staff, most of commercial banks is still using the traditional customer service center personnel allocation, the majority of customer service experience, low education, personal comprehensive quality is not high. This caused a deviation between the commercial bank customer service center actual human capital and demand. Therefore, how to improve the comprehensive quality of commercial bank customer service center staff, break the structure of customer service center human unbalanced and unreasonable, reduce the cost of bank customer service has become the focus of attention from all walks of life. This paper to Industrial Bank Customer Service Center as an example, the customer service center staff training system for in-depth research and analysis, hoping for the optimization of Industrial Bank of human capital structure, reduce the cost of service to contribute; for other commercial bank human resources optimization, the level of human capital upgrade to provide a reference value.Firstly, on the research background and significance, research status, research methods, etc. are outlined, representation theory introduced staff training, training systems generally constitute summarized and summarized; secondly, Industrial Bank, for example paper from staff training system constitutes, training planning, training assessment and training evaluation result of applying the four aspects of the Industrial Bank of departure existing call center staff training system were introduced; in training and the Industrial Bank customer service center’s existing staff training system Existing settings, training forms, assessment forms and other issues are analyzed; again, the paper through questionnaires and interviews, from individual employees, organizational and business strategy at three levels Industrial Bank customer service center staff training needs analysis. And on this basis, from staff training form, training content, trainer selection, training location is determined, the training schedule, training implementation and training assessment and other perspective of the Industrial Bank customer service center staff training system design; and finally, the paper considered to be the effective implementation of safeguards staff training system, the Industrial Bank customer service center will have to raise awareness of internal staff training, the establishment of the whole process of staff training and examination system, improve relevant mechanism, corporate culture and employee training together.This paper argues that First, banks must build employee training system based bank development strategy, considering the individual employee level, the organizational level and the level of bank development strategy diverse needs. Only the bank long-term development strategy, short-term development goals and employee personal growth unify to the personal development objectives and business development objectives together, to make employees and corporate power to a cause, in order to enhance the staff involved in training of enthusiasm, to make Corporate Training maximize the effect, but also to the enterprise development strategy, while, so that employees personal development goals are achieved; secondly, any employee within an organization have a difference, not personal qualities that all employees are equal, and therefore Bank staff in the development of the training system to do the job classification of employees. Different properties of different enterprises, employees classification are not identical, the paper when building Industrial Bank customer service center staff training system to staff positions within the organization will be divided based on grass-roots workers, grass-roots management staff and senior management staff of three class, this service features the Industrial Bank customer service center; and finally, the effective implementation of staff training system needs related system as a guarantee, this article from internal staff training to improve understanding of the whole process of the establishment of staff training and examination system, improve relevant mechanism, corporate culture combining aspects and staff training and other constructed Industrial Bank customer service center staff training to implement security system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Staff training, system building, Customer Service, Industrial Bank
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