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Research On Chemicals Market Development Strategy Of SDCX Company

Posted on:2017-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330488467047Subject:The MBA
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the further development of the reform and opening up and socialist market economy, China’s market mechanism and the medical and health system in the continuous reform and improvement, the pharmaceutical industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In recent years, SDCX company’s revenue growth rate has declined, the actual sales revenue and sales target at the beginning of a larger gap, to achieve a breakthrough single variety of billions of dollars in sales target yet, market development and marketing ability has become a short board for restricting the development of enterprises. In the development of new medical system reform and the increasingly fierce market competition and standardized background, to speed up the upgrading of enterprise market development and marketing ability has become an important strategic issue in front of top managers and sales department. Therefore, this paper by using the theories of strategic management and marketing of pharmaceutical Limited by Share Ltd SDCX market development strategy research, try to use the marketing theory to the practical management of pharmaceutical enterprises, help to further enrich the marketing and strategic management theory system.In this paper, through the analysis of SDCX company inside and outside circumstance of, the company’s future market development strategy system and strategic implementation of the recommendations, hope to improve the market possession rate and product sales strategy to provide practical reference significance was put forward. Firstly, the theory of market development are summarized, including PEST analysis, Potter five competitive structure, SWOT analysis method; secondly, the SDCX company profile and chemical market development strategy, environment analysis, and through the use of SWOT to analyze the external environment of enterprises has brought opportunities and threats, the internal environment of the company is the advantages and disadvantages; thirdly, based on the above analysis, the development of the SDCX chemical market development strategy, including the development of the two / three level hospital sales market, active layout of the acquisition OTC pharmacy sales network, extends the development of third terminal and expand overseas; finally, puts forward some measures to ensure the implementation of the market development strategy of SDCX company, i.e. shaping the corporate brand characteristics, for the local government more support and preferential policies, standardize and improve the market management system, the establishment of Medicine Strategic alliances between enterprises, accelerate the new model of chemical and pharmaceutical research, improve marketing information systems and electronic sales network, strengthen internal marketing team building. Through the above research, provide the basis and the reference for the SDCX chemical company market development, and strive for similar companies develop pharmaceutical market development strategy to provide a way of thinking and methods of analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chemical Medicine, Market Development, PEST Analysis, SWOT Analysis
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