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Tourism Public Service Core Elements Optimization Research Of Xishan District

Posted on:2017-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330488450225Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For a long time, the academic circles to tourism, as a purely economic industry. Whether early is regarded as smokeless industry less investment, quick effect, or in the near future as stimulating domestic demand of industry or a strategic pillarindustry, emerging economies are the development of tourism as a means of stimulating the regional economic rapid development. Early and tourism, tourist reception are mainly composed of groups of tourists, the more work on tourism product planning and development, enterprise operation and management of tourism, tourist administrative examination and approval and other business affairs. After more than 30 years of development, tourism market demand, has given rise to a huge individual services in the market increasingly rich, the demand for increasingly diverse at the same time, generally is shortage of public service in the field of tourism, can meet the new individual freedom, random and leisure needs. In recent years, along with the popularization, the scale of the tourism consumption, tourism service supply and demand of all kinds of disputes and complaints are also on the rise. Tourists passively consuming a lot of tourism products, public services and tourist real service demand cannot be effectively implemented, resulting in a decline in tourism public service satisfaction, these problems have become the important barrier which restricts the healthy and sustainable development of tourism. Based on the case study of the mountain west conference in kunming, points, first of all, on the basis of existing research attempt to refine the core elements of tourism public service, as the tourism public service core elements of the specific analysis indicators provide certain theory basis. And then from the mountain west conference tourism existing supply of public services and the satisfaction of tourists on the mountain west conference tourism public service and the dimension of the two big reality demand, through the questionnaire survey, data statistics, objective analysis problems existing in the mountain west conference tourism core elements of public service supply, explore solutions to the mountain west conference tourism the effective path of imbalanced supply of and demand for public service core elements, hope for other similar areas of tourism public service core elements of optimization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tourism public service, The core elements of, optimize, Xishan District
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