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Study Of Market Opportunities Of Diesel Vehicle EFI System Under The Background Of National Emission Standards Upgrade With A Case Study Of Company T

Posted on:2016-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330485486576Subject:Senior managers of business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The engine is the heart of the car, and electronically controlled fuel injection system(the EFI system),is the brain and heart of the engine. EFI system is the essential solution to reduce engine emissions, to achieve national mandatory emission standards. EFI system is the replacement products of traditional mechanical pump. It can enhance the overall performance of the engine, reduce noise, utilize vibration, and improve energy-saving effect.National vehicle emission standard upgrade has brought huge development opportuneties to electronically controlled fuel injection system industry. This thesis includes a research on the domestic EFI industry. It has elaborated market opportunities of EFI enterprises, from the perspective of the technical route, the industry development cycle, policy background, market capacity, supply and demand, industry competition, combining with case studies. The main contents are as follows.1. The research on the policy framework of vehicle emission standard upgrade of China. In 2014, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the policy of diesel emissions standards upgrade, which officially marked the beginning of Phase IV of national diesel emissions control. Phase IV evidently rigorous than the former phases in the legislative, law enforcement and administrative level, bringing the industry the opportunity to level up and generate the market demand of replacing the old products.2. Analysis of industrial R & D cycle. Both automotive industry and internal combustion engine industry are capital and technology intensive industries, which are highly industrialized. Therefore, industrialization cycle of those businesses is long. Electronically controlled diesel engine R&D is difficult, leading to long period of industrialization. Therefore advanced technology cannot be easily replaced in the medium and long term. Besides,analysis of the technology roadmap of National III diesel engine upgrading to national IV standard and national official confirmation of the technical route.3. Analysis of diesel injection market capacity, combining diesel EFI classification from terminal market, market size, supply and demand and industry competition perspective. Under the current dividend policy, domestic enterprises are facing enormous market opportunity EFI. It is time for domestic enterprises to strengthen EFI technology and improve supply capacity. At the same time, there is a research on the relativity and possibility of crowding effect of development of eletromobility and EFI end market. Overall, diesel EFI industry has just entered the Golden Age. Despite the obviously high funding and technical threshold, the industry has high investment value, along with considerable business effects and also social effects.4. There is also a case study concerning a typical domestic company in the industry. The competing strategy of the company based on competitive differentiation is an applicable reference for enterprises in the industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:electronic fuel injection systems, diesel engines, EFI, emission standards, market opportunities
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