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A Study Of Foreign Pilots Incentive Mechanism Of T Airlines

Posted on:2016-08-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330482982649Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, many new private civil aviation enterprises established in our country and their fleets’ size is constantly expanding. Together with the new policy formulated by Civil Aviation Administration of China, flight crew shortage problem has become increasingly apparent. The introduction of foreign pilots both for governments and China civil aviation enterprise interests are imperative. However, how to motivate and manage foreign pilots, enhance their sense of identity and belonging, of the company to prevent the loss of core talented person, this is every aviation enterprises with foreign pilots must counterpoise.Foreign captain in T company as the research object, through a large number of literature, the foreign pilots, ground staff, managers, and Chinese pilots to group questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews was carried out on the foreign pilots, analysis the T company incentive problems existing in the present situation of foreign pilots, excavate its internal reasons, take corresponding measures to construct the incentive mechanism of foreign pilots.New build of the incentive mechanism under the principle of fairness in combining external competitiveness and enterprise features, the company needs and personal development, combination of material incentive and spiritual incentive, make clear rewards and punishment regulations of foreign pilots. Salary incentive, rich salary selectivity, improves their year-end bonus. Welfare incentive ways, retain part features, benefits, provide nine years in a choice of way and provide medical treatment, study help. Personal development motivation, through the promotion model flight instructor, promotion, promotion management job these three ways, provides the possibility of personal career development for foreign pilots. Emotional incentive ways, by organizing various activities to create a home for foreign pilots, along with the enterprise culture construction, expand the communication channels, improving the evaluation system, to ensure the effective implementation of the incentive mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:incentive mechanism, foreign pilots, airlines
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