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Study On The Technical Staff Training System Of TISCO

Posted on:2016-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330482950928Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To achieve sustainable and healthy development of the current steel industry, we must start from the upgrade employee skills, so that steelmakers are fully human resources guarantee. This paper describes the structure and characteristics of TISCO technical staff, and then analyze the problem of TISCO technical staff training, finally find TISCO in the process of training of technical staff, there is no comprehensive understanding of the training needs of technical personnel, training curriculum is not reasonable, training methods simple, and lack of scientific evaluation on the effectiveness of the training and strict supervision.On the basis of the discovery of the problem, the paper has set a goal of TISCO technical personnel training system. Think the short-term goal is through the design of TISCO technical personnel training system, enable the technical personnel to master the business capabilities which is helpful for the work performance, to achieve the goal of comprehensively improving the professional knowledge and skills of technical personnel, and then get bigger and faster output in the work, to ensure the validity and relevance of the training. The long-term goal is to achieve win-win for both enterprises and employees. That is, the training system of technical personnel is based on the full consideration of the Group’s development strategy and the professional development of the technical personnel, So that technical personnel in the help group to achieve its business goals, but also through the training to improve their overall qualities, to lay the foundation for the future of their own professional development and personal achievement. And establish the training system of the technical personnel of TISCO. Including the establishment of training needs, Training course settings, training process control, training effectiveness assessment and feedback and other content. And at the end of the paper presents the Operation Guarantee for technical personnel training system of TISCO. That is to strengthen the construction of a learning culture, Optimize the organizational structure of employee training, good training preparation, the leadership to fully support the training, build a comprehensive training support system and so on.Improve the training system takes a lot of time and effort. Due to the large scale group, the staff structure is relatively complex, and the basic quality of each employee is also vary, so to build a comprehensive training system cannot be achieved in a short time, it will need to further test and sum up in actual work, discover and improve its deficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:TISCO, Technical personnel, Training system
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