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Research On The Service Marketing Strategy Of Bayangol Hotel In Mongolia

Posted on:2017-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S E MiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330482497799Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of Mongolia hotel industry, the competition between the hotel and kill more and more intense, domestic brands, excellent foreign brands have joined, Mongolia hotel alliance is exacerbated by the degree of competition in the industry. In the increasingly heated competition in the business environment, competitive marketing naturally became many hotel companies in the market. With the increasing openness of the market, and competition power is becoming increasingly powerful, how to improve their marketing performance, is the Mongolian hotel enterprises and their management facing a big issue.The development of Mongolia modern hotel industry began in 1954, but in fact it began from 1990. Since 2007, the world recognized outstanding hotel brand group chose Mongolia’s hotel market, by 2013, Mongolia has three five-star hotels, a four-star hotel, a three-star hotel. Bayangaol as Mongolia’s a famous hotel, since it was founded in 1964, has been in Mongolia tourism industry plays an important role. However, since the economic crisis in 2008, a great change of the global economic environment, the Internet age, the new marketing mode, Bayangaol hotel marketing data is not optimistic in recent years, how to change the passive to active in marketing, only their own service marketing innovation system, promote and improve the marketing strategy is not suitable for their own development, Bayangaol hotel is in the present and the future have important magic weapon to win in the fierce competition.This study was based on the above realistic background, try to make analysis of Bayangaol hotel service marketing, key research of Bayangaol hotel service marketing strategy improvement, research and analysis of current Bayangaol hotel service marketing present situation and future prospect, and realize Bayangaol hotel service marketing strategy improvement.The main contents of this paper as follow:introduction focuses on paper selected topic background, significance, related academic research situation, research ideas and methods, and the innovation of this research; The first chapter to give the service marketing theory, provide theoretical basis for the whole paper; The second chapter, by investigating Bayangaol hotel service marketing present situation, and compared with other hotels international marketing management, in order to find Bayangaol hotel service marketing problems; The third chapter analyses Bayangaol hotel service marketing environment, combined with the SWOT analysis of the Bayangaol hotel; The fourth chapter for improvement of Bayangaol hotel service marketing strategy, put forward the corresponding improvement measures from the person, facilities, and process; The fifth chapter for the safeguard of Bayangaol hotel service marketing strategy, respectively from two aspects; The conclusion part, to summarize the whole paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bayangol Hotel Service Marketing, Existing Problems Improvement Strategies
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