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Research On Integrationof China’s Pension Insurance

Posted on:2016-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330482450716Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pension insurance system is the core of the social security system, At present, China’s pension system consists of four categories, covering all kinds of social groups. Security object enterprise employee pension insurance system for enterprise workers, self-employed, flexible employment and migrant workers; security object rural social endowment insurance system for agriculture-based rural residents; urban residents object to protect the pension insurance system for urban unemployed residents; organizations and institutions to protect Pension insurance system staff at institutions in. This "fragmentation" of the state, not only detrimental to the fairness of Pension insurance system, but also affect social equity and justice, is not conducive to social stability. Therefore, the integration of Pension insurance system is an important task of the current pension system reform.In recent years, our country continues to promote the integration of Pension insurance system, and achieved some success:corporate pension system started, the workers also gradually increase the retirement benefits; urban and rural Pension insurance system began merger, increasing the number of insured rural residents, farmers inter-regional transfers work smoothly; organs and institutions pension reform gathered pace, Pension insurance system is expected to enterprise integration.However, due to the level of economic development is not high, restricting, limiting dual economic structure of rural household registration system, coupled with the integration process in the interests of the various stakeholders in touch, making our pension system to promote integration difficult, the integration process also There are many issues to be addressed: migrant workers, the rural elderly, unemployed urban pension needs of the elderly has not been practical safeguards; inadequate laws and regulations, policy development unreasonable and unscientific management system led to the "fragmentation" of the state still exists; less convergence system, progress has been slow, the local government system of responsibility is unknown to impede the progress of the work of convergence, the integration of all these issues are the focus of the work.Therefore, the integration of the country’s pension can not be rushed, to follow legislation first, rights and obligations on the other, the efficiency of combining the principles of fairness, and the level of economic development, steadily, gradually improved. Integration steps can make the general plan: a first step towards the integration of urban and rural residents in old-age insurance system, followed by the merger of agencies and institutions to promote corporate pension insurance system, and ultimately the integration of the whole society, a diversified, multi-level, full-covering the pension system. Recommended the establishment of the country as soon as possible co-ordination of basic pension insurance system, good convergence of Pension insurance system, strengthen supervision and management of the pension, and promote the integration process of Pension insurance system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pension, Fragmentation, System integration
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