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Study On The Industrial Upgrading And Development Countermeasure Research Of Xianju Bayberry

Posted on:2015-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D D LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467970438Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bayberry is a subtropical fruit originated in China, and it mainly distributed in the south of theYangtze River and north of Hainan Island. Bayberry is a high nutritional value fruit, it has strongantioxidant and anti-aging effect. Bayberry also has certain curative effect on hypertension,cardiovascular disease and cancer treatment efficacy. Xianju of Zhejiang province is a large county ofproducing Bayberry. Steadily promoting the construction of Xianju Bayberry agricultural brand,accelerating agricultural transformation and upgrading of economic structure plays an important role inthe construction of new socialist rural local economy. At present, Xianju is committed to the rapiddevelopment of the basic of Bayberry industry, effectively promotes local agricultural economic growthand farmers’ income. But overall, the industrialization development of Bayberry in Xianju is still inthe primary stage. It is necessary to keep Xianju Bayberry production stability, accelerate thetransformation and upgrade of Bayberry industry. In this article, we analyzed the advantages anddisadvantages of brand development of agriculture of Xianju Bayber industry through introducingadvanced and lack experience of foreign developed countries and developed areas in China. We foundthat Xianju Bayberry industry is facing challenges and opportunities. Firstly, we analysed the currentdevelopment of Xianju Bayberry industry: in recent years, because of the implementation of quality andsafety supervision in Bayberry industry, Xianju country has received significant results for thedevelopment of regional economy and farmers’ income.The key to restrict the development ofXianjuYangmei Bayberry industry include: lack of scientific and technological innovation; sustainabledevelopment ability is not strong; sales management is not standard.Secondly, the main problemsexisting in the development of Bayberry industry include: quality and safety supervision network is notperfect; poor infrastructure; agricultural science and technology is poor; market system is not strong;Bayberry cultivation, anti pest techniques need which restricts Xianju Bayberry industrialtransformation and upgrading. Finally, we put forward to the main methods for accelerating thetransformation of Xianju Bayberry industrial, mainly include: speeding up the construction quality andsafety supervision network;accelerating the development of Xianju Bayberry brand;consolidatingXianju gricultural base; perfecting the quality standard system; actively cultivating leading enterprisesof Xianju Bayberry;vigorously promoting the industrialization of Bayberry; improving the ability of theadded value of brand agriculture; strengthen technological innovation;full implementation of thecharacteristic brand driven strategy, make great efforts to explore the characteristic resources; promotingthe government support and guidance function, promoting Xianju Bayberry industrial development;constantly improving the construction of Xianju Bayberry standardization system etc.. We hope thatthese measures could speed up the transformation and upgrading of Xianju Bayberry industry, and couldprovide basis for government decision making.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xianju Bayberry, Transformation and upgrading, Brand agriculture, Characteristicagriculture, Development countermeasures
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