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Research On Problems Of Contract Management Of Construction Project

Posted on:2014-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467970220Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To achieve the goal of project management, all items must be on the whole process andall aspects of project implementation, the implementation of effective contract management ofall engineering activities of the project. This country is underdeveloped regions of XinjiangOilfield Construction Company, a lack of standardized contract management systems andprocesses, resulting in project management is difficult, operational risks remain high. Based onthis, the company chose to build an oil project contract management as a research object,standardized management issues oil construction company project contract management.Writing paper studies the background and significance of the paper, while the papersummarizes the main research ideas and research methods, and theories definition of projectcontract management, contract management and project characteristics were summarized forlater Writing to lay a solid foundation, then the author based on years of experience, thecompany’s project team personnel to conduct research, combined with the actual situation,summed up the company many years of project contract management, the main risk from thecontract, the terms of the contract risks, contract execution risk, risk acceptance contractdefines four contract risk management indicators system, and determine the weight of a heavycontract risk management indicators AHP, after the company a contract for the project heaviestindex weight set provides a reference method. According to the company for the contract andinsufficient understanding of risk management practice, based on the theoretical foundationand corporate project contract management, from contract to build the project riskmanagement models, strengthen capacity and contract disputes contract to establish ascientific management system presents three aspects of contract management optimization.According to the company deal with the current problems in contract disputes, preparation ofproposed solutions to resolve the dispute, the introduction of their own way to help resolve thedispute promptly and effectively resolve disputes. Three aspects of the company’s contractmanagement system was reconstructed from a clear contract management agency, contractmanagement agency to determine the responsibilities and personnel, and the establishment ofthe contract management system is sound companies. Finally, this article summarizes theresearch results, in view of the inadequacies of proposed research to the next stage should beexpanded.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contract Management, Risk Management, System
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