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Early Warning Of Financial Crisis About Listed Companies

Posted on:2015-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H CaoFull Text:PDF
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With the leap of economy again and again, while the expansion of the continuous multivariate of modern society, enterprises are facing various kinds of risks of distress, the cause of the bankruptcy of enterprises is becoming more and more complicated. But hidden in the financial crisis behind the question is the key reason of the bankruptcy of the enterprise. Listed companies as the representatives of the industry has been the concern of all sectors of society, many stakeholders are closely linked with the listing corporation. Besides, many researchers regard listed companies as the object of study because information their its transparent high, facilitate understanding of information. Therefore, finding the enterprise’s financial crisis hidden problem for enterprise risk prevention, to prevent financial crisis has important significance.This paper takes Wuxi Suntech financial crisis as the object of research, by adopting the combination of normative research and case analysis research method. First of all, the research status of domestic and foreign scholars about the financial crisis warning review summary and the concept of financial crisis and the financial early warning model that used in this article. Then on the basis of literature review and theoretical analysis of the financial crisis in Wuxi suntech to have a in-depth case study, through the analysis to dig out the real reason hiding behind the Wuxi Suntech financial crisis.Through the case study of Wuxi Suntech, we found that it had obvious signs before Wuxi Suntech bankruptcy, and a variety of early warning indicators have taken place in a clear warning signal. In addition, through the analysis we found that Suntech financial crisis not only affected by external factors such as market environment, the enterprise’s own governance and investment decisions fail to Suntech has brought a lot of heavy losses, through the study of Wuxi Suntech bankruptcy experience, which has brought a lot of lessons worthy of learning and enlightenment, we also have put forward some Suggestions for other emerging industry on the basis of these enterprises on limited, hoping that the relevant enterprises to strengthen internal governance in the diversified development of the barrel bead and pay close attention to the effects of the external environment to the enterprise.
Keywords/Search Tags:Financial crisis, Financial crisis early warning, WuxiSuntech, Photovoltaic industry
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