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Research On The Development Strategy Management Of Zhaoqing New Area In Guangdong Province

Posted on:2015-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330464473079Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urbanization is a very important process in the realization of our country’s modernization. In 2011, for the first time, the urbanization rate exceeded more 50 percentages. Our country has achieved a remarkable success in urbanization level as well as urbanization quality and urban is playing a more and more important part in the economic and social development. With the development of urbanization, accompanied by over-consume natural resources, traffic jam, environmental pollution and single mode of urbanization. Facing with these phenomena, we urgent need transform urban development model and strive to a new road of urbanization. During the transformation of urban development model, Zhaoqing city adopted the way of building new district, actively tap the potential Zhaoqing New Area as a breakthrough to expand the space, optimize the structure and enhance Zhaoqing city’s comprehensive competitiveness.Therefore, the research on Zhaoqing New Area’s development strategy plays a guiding function in reasonable arrangements for the layout of urban functions, planning policies effectively, realizing the transformation of urban functions and economic development models. It also provides a great practical meaning for Zhaoqing city’s great-leap-forward development as well as provides a typical and vital practical meaning for innovating China’s city new district construction management mode and leading new route of urbanization.This research paper begins with the characteristics of Zhaoqing New Area sketch and economical and social development. With the grasp of the basic information of Zhaoqing New Area, we turn to the development issues which Zhaoqing New Area is facing, including the interrelation within traffic segmentation regions, the development and construction threshold formed by environmental sensitivity, urban overall development blocked by the scattered layout of villages and towns and urban spatial distribution restricted by the land transfer problems. By analyzing the Zhaoqing New Area policy, economy, society and technical environment in details, we believe that the political policies support will provide a significant opportunity for Zhaoqing New Area. As for economic environment, Zhaoqing New Area enjoys a good momentum in macro-economic situation, but the economic transition is still an arduous job. In terms of society, Zhaoqing New Area has superior ecological environment with profound cultural heritage; as regard to the technology environment level, science and technology competition is very fierce and scientific research investment continued to increase. We adopted the strategy research SWOT analysis and believed that the Zhaoqing New Area has a lot of disadvantages includes location, traffic, environment, weak economic foundation, lack of regional coordination function and talents. Zhaoqing New Area is facing with huge challenges including policy orientation, new-type urbanization, the strategic opportunities for regional cooperation and environmental uncertainties, fierce competition between regions and irrationality of the economic structure. After that, we made a detailed analysis and put forward a core development strategy that the growth pole strategy for Zhaoqing New Area. Combined with the present situation and the internal and external conditions of the new district, To realize the objection of regional value center, international low carbon green city and harmonious city, puts forward the goal of regional spatial layout development strategy, industry strategy, social harmony and development strategy. Finally, synthesize various development strategies and we raise six practical solutions for guiding new district economic and social development strategies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhaoqing New Area, Research on Development Strategy Management, SWOT Analysis
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