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Research On The Strategy Of Haixi Prefecture Government To Promote The Chinese Wolf-berry Industry Development

Posted on:2016-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461966090Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“ Blackthorn in eastern and Chinese wolf-berry in western "is the forestry determines development direction of Qinghai province. According to the Chinese wolf-berry industry in Qinghai province development planning(2011-2020), Qinghai province will highlight the regional and quality characteristics of Qaida wolf-berry and to build up an international industry of "Qinghai wolf-berry" brand during the "twelfth five-year plan" and "13th five-year plan". As the main planting region of Qinghai meddler, after years of development, Haiti state has been the first from the planting area, production scale, and the brand impact, and the Chinese wolf-berry industry has become a pillar industry of agriculture in Haixi state. It’s has also made contribution to the development of state farming and farmers’ income.Using public management theory as the guidance, and combining relevant theories of industry economics and regional economics, a large amount of data and materials of wolfberry industry development were collected through on-the-spot investigation. The paper comprehensively analysised Chinese wolfberry industry present development situation, and highly expound the functions of the government in the development of wolfberry industry. Based on the deficiency of government in promoting the industry development, and in the perspective of public administration around how does the government play a role of main body function; points of scientifically formulate public policy as well as its realization ways, the paper put forward scientific development public policy of wolfberry industry. The thesis consists of four chapters, the first chapter is introduction. The second chapter comprehensively summarized the current situation of wolfberry industry development, and systematically carding the industry development work measures the government has took in promoting the Chinese wolfberry and its achievements. Strongly explained the role that the government has played in promoting the functions of the Chinese wolfberry industry. In the third chapter, by using SWOT analysis technology and on the basis of the analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of wolfberry industry development, established the analysis system and the basic model. The fourth chapter is based on the SWOT analysis of the four strategic choices. Combined with their own analytical thinking, the author put forward a series of practical and effective countermeasures and suggestions on government-making strategic decisions in the future development of Chinese wolfberry industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Haixi State, Chinese wolf-berry industry, Governmental functions
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