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Research On The Influence Of The Financing Structure On The Upgrading Of The Industrial Structure In Gansu Province

Posted on:2016-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is in a period of industrial restructuring, deepen financial reform is an important way to promote the upgrading of industrial structure. However, our financing structural is imbalance: direct financing based on securities is seriously lagging behind the in-direct financing based on bank. The world’s major developed economies have explained that the indirect financing financial structure will accumulate the systemic risk in the banking syst-em during the transition process, what’s more, it will hinder the industrial upgrading. By contrast, capital market has more advantage over the banking system in supporting the in-novation and mobilization of financial resources. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to fi-nd the way to optimize the financing structure to promote industrial upgrading of the wh-ole region. In recent years, there are many experts and scholars who have studied the national perspective shift on the financing structure and industrial structure upgrading. But theresearch is poor in the backward areas, this paper is a research focusing on the backward regions which take Gansu Province as an example.This paper includes five chapters. Firstly, the paper reviews the theory of financial structure and industrial structure and gives rise to a general theory of industry structure analysis based on the summary of the classical theory of the impact on the financing structure, combining with the comparsion of financing structure and industrial structure between Gansu Province and the national average. Next, the paper analysis the current problems, using the empirical model to test the affect of the financing structure on industrial structure. Ultimately, the paper tries to find the measures to promote the upgrading of industrial structure in Gansu Province exploring from the perspective of optimizing the financing structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:financing structure, upgrading the industrial structure, Gansu Province
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