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Research On Tencent Company Profit Model And Its Financial Performance

Posted on:2016-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Internet developped rapidly in recent 20 years in China, it playing an increasingly important role. For example, accessing information for people, promoting interpersonal communication, provide convenient life,its unique profit pattern is widely followed. Tencent company growing up with other Chinese Internet companies, its general Internet business represented the development of Chinese Internet, its profit model provided a research model for Chinese Internet business.This study Based on the profit pattern of tencent company, selected detailed financial data and business data of tencent company since 2004 to 2013.Started with the growth of asset structure, financial indicators and four big profit source. Found that tencent company has experienced from the initial weight configuration profits model to the growth of gather profit model, to the evolution of the profit model, The financial performance also changed corresponding, current assets account percentied more than 75% of total assets growth period, protected the operating ability and to resist-risks ability mainly through adequated cash reserves.During this period the company’s debt paying ability, operation ability, profit ability and growth showed superiorily, occupied the industry leading position in financial indicators. Tencent company since2010 to invest a large amount of mergers and acquisitions since enter the mature period, the assets ratio of current assets to total fell, non-currentassets to total assets ratio increased year by year. The development of e-commerce business cost a lot of resources in 2012, caused the debt paying ability, operation ability, profitability and growth indicators appeared varying degrees of decline. It indected that tencent company profit model evolution affectted financial performance, financial performance for the conclusion of its profit model evolution provided support, and provied proposal for the model of tencent company profit adjustment in order to obtain better financial results suggest,Finally,summarized and prospected in this article. Aimed that analysis tencent company’s profit model and financial performance through this article, provied certain reference significance for other Internet companies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tencent company, Profit model, Financial performance
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