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Property Association, Operation And Governance: Technology Innovation Network Construction

Posted on:2016-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461450891Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As competition intensifies, technological innovation plays a more and more important role as the core competitiveness whether to business or to a wider range of areas and countries. In the process of global value network production, firms of less developed countries or regions can get into technological innovation trap due to bear too much low-end manufacturing in the division of labor, they can only get low profit and industrial upgrading may keep in the "low-end locked" state.This paper based on the background of "low-locked" of China in the global value chain and combined with the development of the internet, considers that developing countries and regions can pursue innovation and capacity to catch by technology construction of firms; they can achieve a breakthrough in technology through collaborative innovation and strategic alliance portfolios. From the perspective of property economics, structure of property can affect contract structure of innovation resources and technology innovation and efficiency of technology production,ultimately affect the rent distribution of different innovation subjects.Therefore, through the research, we draw the following conclusions: First,fragmentation is the logical starting point of the enterprise technological innovation network construction based on multi attribute of property rights and property rights fission. Second, the property relation is the realistic foundation of enterprise technology innovation network. Property rights degree and property rights related energy intensity are two important factors that affect property right relations and technology innovation network. Third, property management is a feasible path to operation and construction of enterprise technology innovation network, which can produce the result of the recombination and strategic use.of enterprise technology innovation resource Fourth, property management mechanism and reasonable profit allocation mechanism innovation value chain a is the security of maintaining stable and efficient operation of the firm technology innovation network.All in all,constructing the firm technology innovation network with property as the core can be helpful to the upgrading of industry in developing countries and regions.There are several innovation points. First, it puts forward the concepts of property fission, property association, property management, the potential energy ofproperty association, which is the deepening of property theory. Second, it makes a analyse structure of property, which is a theory gun of analyzing the practical issue.Third, it analyses the building, operations and governance of the technology innovation networks, which is practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:property association, property operation, property governance, technology innovation network
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