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Research Of Green Development Of Small Tourism Town In Southeast Chongqing

Posted on:2016-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461450346Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urbanization, one of the strategic objectives of achieving "four modernizations in the next ten years" put forward in the 18 th CPC National Congress by the CPC Central Committee, is considered to be the key way to solve problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, the main support to drive a balanced development between regions, and the important opportunity to boost domestic demand and promote industrial upgrading. However, from the perspective of urban development status in China, it can be seen that only small towns can absorb the maximum rural population transfer. Chongqing, a municipality of urban, rural, reservoir and mountain areas, is just a small miniature of the whole country. In September 2013, the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee divided the whole city into five areas after its Third Meeting of the Fourth Plenary Session: the core urban area, the expanding urban area, the new developing area, the northeast ecological-conservation area, and the southeast ecological-reservation area. Furthermore, the backward of the southeast ecological-reservation area has made it clear that it is important to speed up growth by developing environmental-friendly characteristic industry and cultural folklore ecology tourism, constructing the poverty alleviation and development demonstration area of Wuling Mountain, and adjusting the distribution of the population.Based on such background as mentioned before, this master thesis is to study the green development of small tourism towns in southeast Chongqing. Specifically, in the 16 small tourism towns which all belong to the southeast ecological-reservation area, Huangshui, a town located in Shizhu Tujia Nationality Autonomous County, gets the 2nd in the ranking of the infrastructure development of all towns through the “factor analysis”, since its contribution of tourism to GDP is as high as 70%, and the number of people during the peak tourist time can even reach 100,000 though its settled population is less than 13,000. As a result, it is typical, practical and representative to take Huangshui as a case study to provide some guidance for other small tourism towns in southeast Chongqing.Totally speaking, five methods are used in this master thesis: literature study, factor analysis, coefficient of variation, general analysis and case study, field investigation and questionnaire analysis. Firstly, the method of literature study helps to construct the theoretical framework of this paper. Secondly, the method of factor analysis contributes to getting an overall understanding of the development status of small tourism towns in southeast Chongqing, and clearing out some of the outstanding problems, such as the poor infrastructure development of this area, the lack of brand awareness of tourist commodities and characteristic farm products, the imbalanced development between tourism industry and urban construction, etc.. Based on these, this paper constructs a green development index system, which includes the hard power(economically and ecologically), and the soft power(socially and culturally). Specifically, the data of green development hard power comes from the statistics, while the soft power one is obtained through analyzing the questionnaire by coefficient of variation. Then this paper uses the green development index system to evaluate Huangshui as a case study, which shows that its hard power is relatively good, while its soft one not well developed.By analyzing small towns both at home and abroad, it can be concluded that the small tourism towns in southeast Chongqing should grasp the opportunity of “five functional areas” and tourism bloom to improve its green comprehensive strength, push forward its urbanization for urban-rural integration and coordinate development between man and nature, and promote rural tourism to provide ecological products, characteristic farm products and other tourist products. Also, the same experience goes for Huangshui, which should takes ways to consolidate its green development hard power and strengthen its soft power. In the end, this paper will cover the limitations and the next phase of the study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development of ecological protection areas, Tourist small towns, green development
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