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Study On Industry Development Of Agricultural Bio-energy In China

Posted on:2015-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434957400Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, prices of oil, natural gas and other resource have risendramatically because of resource shortage, while environmental issues resultingfrom traditional resource consumption are becoming increasingly significant. Thus,it poses important significance to develop agricultural biomass energy and relatedindustries to effectively substitute for fossil fuels, optimize the energy structure,reduce external dependence, protect national energy security and stabilize energysupply system.In this thesis, through collecting literatures about state of the art Chineseagricultural biomass energy and industrial development of that, combined with2012national statistics yearbook of the relevant fields in2012, quantitative researchabout agricultural biomass resources, including the production, the available reserve,the normalized energy amount is conducted. Meanwhile, considering the dispersioncharacteristics of energy distribution in China, we use the energy amount in unitarea to count the energy distribution density of a province. Based on thedevelopment status of various biomass-based industries, we use the classical theoryin industrial economics, namely ‘SCP paradigm’ to analyze the development ofagricultural biomass industry in China. In addition, with the biomass powergeneration industry taken as the research object, using the system dynamics causalrelationship diagram, we have systematically analyzed the growth limit of thebiomass power industry development model in terms of raw material bottlenecks,lack of funds, lack of technological innovation, the lack of policy support, as wellas the negative environmental externalities. According to quantified regionaldifferences of resource characteristics, from the industrial organization pattern,industrial development and technology utilization patterns points of view, we buildthree development model of agricultural biomass power industry respectively, andpolicy recommendations about each growth limit are given. Results and conclusionsare represented as follows.For resource-rich regions, biomass power generation industry should use‘Enterprise-Acquisition organizations-Farmers organization’ organizational model, and vigorously promote the establishment of large-scale biomass power plants,under the government’s guidance, restructure and merger existing small and mediumsized power plants, focus on the development of several large-scale, representativebiomass power generation enterprises. For general regions, biomass powergeneration industry should use ‘Enterprise-Third party logistics-Base-Farmers’organization model, focus on the development of decentralized, medium-smallbiomass power plants, strengthen cooperation with third-party logistics and reducetransportation costs. For resource-poor regions, biomass power generation industryshould use ‘Technology center-Farmers’ organization model to provoke theenthusiasm of farmers and increase land-use efficiency.For regions with huge total energy amount, high energy density, developmentof biomass power industry should take the advantages of energy, use relativetechnologies, such as the direct straw combustion technology, biogas powergeneration technology and so on, to build large-scale biomass power plant. Forregions with not much total energy while high energy density, especially the easterncoastal regions, municipalities where land resources are scarce, or water systemsneed to be protected, industrial development should place extra emphasis on directcombustion power generation, wastewater biogas power projects. For regions withlarge amount of biomass while small energy density, industrial development shouldfurther increase the use of ‘cogeneration’ technology in order to establish energyservice systems to provide electricity, steam, hot water or air-conditioning forremote areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural biomass, SCP paradigm, Industrial development
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